over eating food blog nutrition

How to Heal Your Tummy After Holiday Overeating

over eating food blog nutrition

Admit it – how many times during the holiday period have you picked up an extra piece of cake and promised yourself it was the last one? Yes, we all tend to cheat a bit during the festivities, and who can blame us with all those delicacies and treats simply sitting around waiting to be eaten. Of course, as much as we like to indulge in the savory taste of these snacks, it can really take its toll after a certain amount of time. That being said, if you overdid it a bit with decadent treats, you just might want to take some appropriate measures to heal your tummy and get back on track.

4 tips to help your body bounce back after the holidays

Understand the Basics

When it comes to getting back on track after a certain period of hedonism, the best approach is surely getting to know what you’re dealing with. Understanding how your organism works is the first step towards recovery. It’s important to learn how your digestive system works, inform yourself about the good and bad bacteria which inhabit your body and find out how overeating can affect your body in the future. This might help you get a proper understanding of your bodily functions, making it a bit easier to take upon yourself the mission of its recovery.

over eating food blog nutrition

Repair the Damage

The next step towards healing is tackling the damage you made before. While the harm is already done and you simply can’t un-eat that juicy piece of steak from the other day, you can do your best to cleanse your body and rid it of all the piled-up toxins in it. This can be a lengthy process and it’s important to be patient, but it’s equally important not to try and make rash decisions. Giving up on your diet in its entirety is equally as harmful as deciding to starve yourself until you regain your former state. Neither of these options will do you any good, so it’s best to rely on regular, but light meals, plenty of liquids (especially water and herbal teas) and start moving. This will help you boost your metabolism, improve the digestion and aid you in repairing the damage that was done.

over eating food blog nutrition

Start Moving

Certainly, the sole thought of indulging in any type of physical activity might seem impossible in your current state, but is of essential importance if you wish to recover entirely. Exercising will not only help you lose those few pounds you gained during the holidays, but it’ll also make you feel better and more energized. The first step is always the hardest, so it’s good to start with some low-impact exercises like cycling around the block, swimming at the local pool or simply going for a short walk. After you start getting the hang of it once again, make sure to make a strict workout plan and stick to it.

over eating food blog nutrition

Plan Your Nutrition

The last thing you should do is create a new nutrition plan by eliminating all harmful foods and drinks and limiting your diet solely to the healthiest things. Your diet can greatly determine the overall state of your health and by not eating properly, you’re risking falling ill of different types of diseases and illnesses. It’s important to know how to recognize h-pylori symptoms and similar signs that might pose a threat to your health, as well as symptoms of common bacteria which have proven to inhabit our bodies.

over eating food blog nutrition

A lot of us end the holiday season feeling a bit stuffy because of everything we ate and not rarely, we become dissatisfied with not only our physical but our mental performance as well. These few tips can help you start feeling better again, but also help you learn proper ways on how to prevent these things from happening in the future.