How I was able to walk 20,000 steps a day without foot pain

Chasing a toddler around, walking through the airport, and exploring a new city can be tough on you if you don’t take care of your feet. I am always on the move and need to take care of my whole body – especially my feet. I was getting loads of back aches and my glutes were locking up. Basically just in pain constantly. I went to the chiropractor and he said it was because I didn’t have enough support for my feet and the shoes I was wearing were no good. I had no idea but he explained that everything in your body is connected and having good foot support is crucial to keep your body aligned.

Plantar Fasciitis affects 3 out of 4 people. CushiFix insoles are created to have the optimal balance of cushion, support, and stability. CushiFix inserts help your feet move the way they are meant to move so you feel your best. They’re super easy to pack in your suitcase so you can go go go on your next vacation.

Inserts can be used in all aspects of life – while traveling, exploring, or running errands. CushiFix help distributes the pressure evenly throughout the foot to eliminate aches and pains. The quality of life you’ll gain back is unmeasurable. In a 2 week study, 95% of people said foot pain decreased significantly. 92% of people were able to double their mileage. 94% experienced less sore feet after a long busy day. 

CushiFix was designed to help key issues of Planter Fasciitis, High Arch, Flat, and pain under the ball of your foot. CushiFix relieves pain from Plantar Fasciitis by limiting pronation (the foot rolling inward) and taking stress off the plantar fascia. That allows it to heal so you can start and end your day feeling great.

The best way to use the inserts is to add them to any shoe after removing the original insert. It will take a few days for your foot to get used to the insert but after a few days, you won’t notice them. I was so thankful I brought mine to Salem to add to my shoes because we walked 15,000-20,000 steps a day, every day, and my feet didn’t hurt at all! The firm support against the arch provides such a feeling of relief.

With the CushiFix inserts you’ll get:

  • Unsurpassed comfort all-day
  • Medical grade arch support
  • Breathable, sweat absorbing
  • Don’t shift in shoes

CushiFix is unique because of its DESIGN aspect. They have a plastic shell that absorbs the shock where the arch is and doesn’t ever “sink in” like many other inserts do (such as a gel or memory foam.) They are thin enough in the areas necessary to be comfortable in every shoe.

CushiFix is meant for you if you have:

– foot pain or swelling
– stabbing heel pain
– flat feet or high arch
– a lower limb injury
– knee or back pain

CushiFix has an insole size for everyone. Do your feet a favor and start taking care of them when traveling. I got CushiFix as a gift and it’s been a game changer for long days of exploring and walking.

*Sponsored post, all opinions are my own