Weekend Takeover by Amanda at Niescior’s Notes

So excited that Amanda who blogs over at Niescior’s NOTES is joining the blog this weekend!
Be sure to check her out and say hi!

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1. How did you come up with the title for you blog?
I actually posed the question to my Facebook friends and some of them came up with ridiculously weird names.. Then Storm (thanks buddy) suggested Niescior’s Notes – and I loved it and went with it!

2. What was the inspiration behind starting your blog?
I started blogging in August last year – but not for myself… Throughout that year that I was blogging, I always wondered what it would be like to blog just for myself and write about the topics I wanted to write about… Then in mid-August this year, I decided to grab the bull by the horns and start my own blog and see if the experience would be as enjoyable as I thought it would be – and I have to say, its been an awesome couple of months!

3. What are three of your favorite posts you’ve written thus far?
Hmmmm my three favorite posts would probably have to be these ones:
4. Where do you find inspiration for blogging/writing?
This is a tough one… I spend time reading other blogs and seeing which posts I can use as the “backdrop” for mine. Other than that, I take it as it comes… 

5. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
🙂 In 10 years time, I see myself living in either Los Angeles or New York driving a mini cooper and working at a PR agency or a PA to someone who is super busy!

6. 5 random things about you?
Lets see
– I am a fan girl! Through & through!
– I have an obsession with things being centered,
– Pink is my favorite color.
– Reality shows are my guilty pleasure.
– A year long road trip of the USA is at the top of my bucket list!

Think that’s about it 🙂


So now that you got to know Amanda a little bit more feel free to go stop by and say hi!  I’m sure she’d love to hear from you!

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