how to avoid writer's block

How To Avoid Writer’s Block Like It’s Your Job (because it just might be)!

how to avoid writer's block

Writer’s block: every one of us has been there way too many times. You start writing something that could be really great and then you just get to the point where it’s too hard, or too complicated, or takes too much thought that you might not be willing at the time to put into it. The inspiration that you once had is suddenly gone as if it never existed, and you just sit there staring at a half empty page wondering where in the world to go next. But writers shouldn’t worry so much about that cursed block that comes up in our brains all the time… just as long as you do something extremely important: no giving up.

Don’t give up!



Sure, writing seems like it takes a lot of thought, especially for stories with lots of different plot lines (not to mention novels, yikes!), but in reality, the only thought process you need is the one that gets your brain to the point of relaxation. Once you let your mind relax and understand that the first draft of whatever you are writing does not have to perfect in any way shape or form then you should be good to go. It’s almost like training for a marathon: every time you write, even a little something, you are hopefully allowing your mind to open up more each time.


Find your spot

Another point to understand when avoiding writer’s block is the importance of having your very own spot to write every day. Even if you only write for twenty minutes soon after you wake up every morning, anything is better than nothing. Pardon the use of another comparison to physical exercise, but it’s like going to the gym every day to keep in good shape. If you don’t go, you lose your muscle (or ease of writing that you have fallen into). Having a quiet corner of your house or yard, or wherever works best for you, where no one else will bother you for your allotted amount of writing time can make all the difference in the world between a blank page and spitting 500 words out in one go.


Something that writers may disagree about is where the particular spot they choose may be. Some get all of their inspiration from being outside in nature, seeing the green trees and blue skies. Other writers see all of that as merely another distraction for their minds and must resort to making their writing spot a desk facing a bland, closet-sized office at the back of their house (at least, that was what worked for Stephen King). Whatever works for you personally is definitely best though. Speaking of which, what does work for you?? Comment your favorite writing tips below!