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Alex, Ady, Lindsay

WOW! Time flies when you’re having fun!  I can’t believe that Verbal Gold Blog is officially 1!  This year has been incredible!  Writing a blog is fun but writing a blog with your best friends and girl bosses is even better.  I can’t believe all that we have accomplished in 1 year.  From growing to a team of over 15 and expanding to the UK and Australia nothing seems impossible.  We’ve met some amazing people, bloggers, brands, and friends along the way.  
Our team of Golden Girls:
Ady, Atlanta // Lauren, Dallas // Drew & Claire, NC // Asha & Sam, UK //
Taylor, Sydney // Meghan, San Francisco // Alex, Atlanta // Lindsay, Atlanta //
Katherine, Atlanta // Lori, Huntsville // Caroline, LA // Kelly, Seattle //
Jen, Birmingham // Bekah, Atlanta // Jordan, PA // Sam, AZ
+ Coming Soon! New York, Melbourne, Canada, Ireland, Germany and Miami
** Interested in joining the team or becoming an intern?  Email [email protected] today!**
Alex, Ady, Lindsay
VGB hit some major milestones.  Reaching 6.5 million views on Google+, 15k friends on instagram, hit an all time high of 122k views/month on the blog alone, being featured on and Nylon Magazine, having our photo published in the Swoozies catalog, working with brands like Target, Amazon, Bloomingdales, etc., and making over $30k in 2 months.  This is only a fraction of our growth and I’m so excited for what the future holds. 
hah we tried but we’re not that cool
My advice would be to do what you want no matter what anyone else says.  There were so many people that said VGB wouldn’t be successful because a blog needs one voice.  
Alex, Lindsay, Ady
Well I only speak Verbal Gold.  I think the blog should represent real life and my life is filled with my best friends… my squad if you will.  So that’s what VGB does.  It includes people.  Why should we only portray one voice when everyone has their own individual personality. What’s better than a group of girl bosses telling you about their fabulous (or not so fabulous) life with things like where to eat, live, work out, hang, shop, and travel all from multiple perspectives in one location.  Just like in real life when you go somewhere to ask your friends opinion.  We’re here for you.  
Alex, Ady, Lindsay
If you don’t know me or the blog you can start here and catch up!  We love making new friends and hope you decide to stay awhile.  We’re headquartered in Atlanta but our girl squad is spread throughout the US, UK, and Australia.  
It’s been a great first year but we’d love to know what you think!  It’s that time when you get to spill it and let us know what you want more of and what we can do better.  The good, bad, and the ugly.  We want to know it all.  
We’re giving away a $25 gift card to Starbucks (or wherever – your choice) just for participating + everyone gets a free 1 month ad on our sidebar (just enter the code VerbalGold at checkout)!  To enter simply fill out the fast and easy survey below and comment that you entered! 




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Thank you so much for reading, clicking, sharing, commenting, and joining our girl gang here at Verbal Gold Blog!  We love you all so so much!