The “While You’re At Work” CrockPot BBQ Ribs Recipe

This is the easiest ribs recipe ever and bonus… it’s ready when you get home from work so you can eat! #NomNomNom


The “While You’re At Work” Crock-Pot BBQ Ribs Recipe



Prep Time: 10 min


Cook Time: 4 hrs 20 min (weekend) // 8 hrs 20 min (workday)



* Baby back ribs

* 1 clove garlic, minced

* Beer (your choice)

* 1/2 c water

* 1/2 onion, sliced 

* 1 bottle BBQ sauce

* Salt / pepper




1. Season ribs with salt and pepper.  (add a rub if you want)

2. Pour water into slow cooker / crock-pot.  Layer the ribs in and top with onion and garlic.  Pour beer over.

3. Cook on high for 4 hours // or low for 8 hours.


Finishing Touches:


Option 1: Preheat oven to 375 degrees, transfer ribs to baking sheet, coat with bbq sauce, bake 10-15 min.


Option 2: Transfer ribs to the grill, coat with bbq sauce, grill for 20 min (10 each side) on medium heat.


And voila!  Ready to eat ribs “while you were at work”!  Enjoy!