Oil Pulling: WTF ???
Ok. What is all the hype behind oil pulling?
I’ve seen it everywhere and heard that celebrities are doing it and that it really works. SO what did I do… I tried it. With coconut oil.
First off, it’s disgusting. And the fact that coconut oil changes texture in your mouth freaks me out. I like coconut but I gagged and almost threw up. I don’t know how I made it as long as I did. I set a timer for 20 minutes and made it almost 15 but was holding my hand over my mouth the entire time. It was just weird. I guess it’s mind over matter. If the benefits below really do work then I guess it outweighs my fear of oil pulling. But I still can’t get that feeling out of my mouth. Ick.

Has anyone tried this long term? With what oil? Thoughts? Does it work? Or is it just the placebo effect?
What is Oil Pulling:
This natural remedy was only introduced to the West about 20 years ago. It is safe, easy, and inexpensive. The theory behind this home treatment is that as the oil swishes around teeth and gums it ‘pulls’ bacteria and other debris into the oil, detoxifying the mouth. Oil pulling will also make your teeth whiter while it removes harmful bacteria and reduces inflammation. What’s not to like?
The oils used for Oil Pulling vary widely. However, the most popular oil is sesame oil, followed by coconut oil, sunflower oil,olive oil and safflower oil. In Sandy’s Oil Pulling Compilation, she listed the benefits reported for many different oils. Some people use the same oil all of the time, others switch oils periodically. After reading her list it looks like I need to switch from coconut oil to sesame oil.
How do I do it?
- First thing in the morning, before brushing teeth or eating, swish one teaspoon to one tablespoon of natural, food-quality oil (sesame, coconut, olive, sunflower or safflower) in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. You must do it this long for it to work.
- Do not gargle in your throat.
- The oil will be milky and foamy when ‘done’.
- Spit out, do not swallow the oil with all the ‘bad stuff’. If you have a septic system, spit oil into trash can instead of sink (in order to avoid potential plumbing problems.)
- Rinse mouth thoroughly with warm water.
- Brush teeth.
- Your mouth feels clean and fresh.
Does It Really Have Benefits Beyond my Mouth?
-Correct hormone imbalances
-Reduce inflammation
-Treat digestive issues
-Reduce eczema
-Support normal kidney function
-Improve vision
-Reduce allergies
-Detoxify the body of heavy metals
-Weight Loss
-Improves skin, minimizes pores
-Whitens Teeth
all info via Earth Clininc