Namaste: The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga Pants


Yoga is rewarding to you and your body. I recently got back into yoga after taking a break from it for about a year and a half, with no good reason, just stopped going. I’m by NO means an expert or know what I’m doing half the time (well, more like most of the time) but it makes me and my body feel good.

Red Hot Yoga in Atlanta offers a few different classes – Hot, Power 1, Power 2 and some other ones. Power 1 is the class I enjoy. You aren’t holding your yoga poses too long but you’re flowing from one pose into another. It’s more of an aerobic exercise and in the case of my last class, an excellent ab workout.

Here are some of the benefits of yoga, both physical and mental:
  • Stress Relief
  • Improved Flexibility
  • Increased Muscle Strength and Tone
  • Weight Reduction
  • Improved Energy, Vitality and Respiration
  • Improved Mental Well-being
  • Mental Clarity and Calmness
  • Helps with Coping Skills
  • Can help with creating a more positive outlook on life
  • Build Friendships
Yoga helps with creating strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and the body. My co-blogger and friend, Alex, is currently training to be a yoga instructor.  She’s showing off her mad skills at the beach with some sweet yoga pants.






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