Living with AVN and 5 life lessons to start off 2014

Weird title I know but I promise it all ties in…. 

Living with AVN… my story… has affected my life in so many different ways both positively and negatively but I’ve decided to look at what it has taught me this year because I’ve learned a lot.

For starters… AVN is also known as avascular necrosis.  I have it in my hip along with a labral tear (a tear in the tissue).  Avascular necrosis is the death of the bone due to a lack of blood supply. Avascular necrosis can lead to tiny breaks in the bone and the bone’s eventual collapse.

I don’t know how or why I got it.  My guess is growing up playing sports doing cross fit and going hard haha but the docs won’t confirm.  Long story short I had surgery at the Mayo Clinic (in Jacksonville… I live in Atlanta) and so far so good.  They said the surgery may or may not help… it was 50/50.  I’m also WAY too young to be having to deal with this so no one would operate at first.  Most doctors wanted me to wait it out a year or two and just hang out on crutches… no thanks.  So fast forward through the torture of dealing with this to post surgery.  The surgery helped but I have to keep getting CT Scans and X-rays every 6 months to a year for my checkups.  Hopefully if my hip stays strong I won’t have to get a hip replacement. (praying that never happens)  I still have the labral tear and I’m still in pain at least once a day but I’m kind of used to it. 

My main goal this year is to be cleared to run.  I’ve been dealing with this for a year and a half already and probably will have to suck it up for the rest of my life.

SO because of my situation I’ve decided on a few “resolutions” // life lessons I’ve learned this year so I can grow from my experience and continue to move forward.

1. Live life to the fullest –

I haven’t run in almost two years- something so simple and easy that most people take for granted.  So do what I can while I can and just enjoy life!

2. Be happy- just do it!  

Because everyone has their own hard ships they have to deal with.  Think positive. Be positive. Choose to be happy everyday!

Be happy and thankful for what you’ve been given because you are blessed!

3. Expect the best prepare for the worse –
My hospital bills were over $70,000 and with my regular visits I’ll be seeing that number again – even check ups aka ct scans aren’t cheap and I will probably hit my deductible every year.  My goal is to save more and more money every year by limiting my impulse purchases and kicking ass at my job! 🙂 Basically to be prepared for anything that may come my way.

4. Take care of myself and my body –
Eat healthy, limit impulse meals and snacks, continue to consistently track all of my meals and intake and steps with my Jawbone UP24 and MyFitnessPal app.
Try new classes like hip hop dance, pilates, yoga, and spinning (after I get cleared by my doc).  

Get in the best shape ever… even with my injury.

5. Grow my relationship with GOD. 

Attend Church more frequently, pray more often, and be a blessing to others less fortunate.

Here’s to an AMAZING 2014!!!

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