DIY: Neighbor Gifts for the Holidays

Just move into a new neighborhood and want to give your neighbors a little gift that’s also budget friendly just to say HEY I’M YOUR NEW NEIGHBOR AND I’M AWESOME! haha  So here is what I came up with… with a little help of course from the google machine.
Option 1.
Option 2.
Option 3:
As you hold these candies in your
hand and turn them you will see,
The M become a W, an E and then a 3.
They tell the Christmas story, it’s
the one I’m sure you know.
It took place in a stable a long,
long time ago.
The E is for the East, where the star
shone so bright.
The M is for the manger where baby
Jesus slept that night.
The 3 is for the Wise Men bearing
gifts and so they came.
W is for worship, Hallelujah, praise
his name.
So as you east these candies, or
share them with a friend,
Remember the meaning of Christmas…
It’s a story that never ends.
Option 4.
I went with the wrapping paper (option 2) and the first note.  I also stuffed a bag of M&M’s in the top (minus the story)… even though I think it’s so cool!  I felt like Santa walking around delivering gifts on everyone’s front door.  It was like the holiday version of ding dong ditch.
I also got one of those dog stockings with dog toys and treats from Target for my neighbors with dogs to say thanks and Happy Holidays.  We delivered it with a note that said, “Happy Holidays from Hartley and Griffey for all the “shit” we’ve caused”. hehe (get it)
So helloooo neighbors if you’re out there!