DIY: Giant Jenga

Football season is upon us and it’s the perfect time for outdoor games like cornhole, giant Jenga and ladder ball. Today, I’m going to tell you how you can make your own giant Jenga and save some bucks. 

Depending on how high you want your Jenga, you can pay between $100-$300 or you can do it yourself for about $30 if you have the right equipment (hit up your dad, boyfriend, boy-friends, grandpa or your handy girlfriend).

Step 1:

Cut each 2×4 into pieces that are 10.5 inches long with a saw. You will get 9 pieces from each 2×4. If you get 7 2x4s, you will get 63 pieces – that’s plenty tall, plus a few extra just in case one gets cracked!

Step 2: Use a sander or sandpaper to sand down corners and edges and even run along the sides to make extra smooth. You don’t want anyone getting splinters. If you use a sander, you can finish off with sandpaper.


Step 3: Jenga time! 20 rows of fun! The object of the game is to remove one block at a time (with only one hand), and stack it on top. The last player to stack a block without making the tower fall wins the game. Good luck!

If you want to spice it up, you can make a Truth or Dare Jenga. Grab a sharpie and write directly on the pieces.



xoxo, Lindsay

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