Dark Chocolate Avocado Pudding aka Brownie Batter (Yes – I said avocado)
Warning: You will never stop wanting to eat this. This tastes like straight-up brownie batter.
I’m a health food fan — as in I like to allow myself to eat what I want, and with that I like to choose the healthiest options so I can feel less bad about it.
Not even going to lie, I have heard about this recipe for about 5 years now, and never tried it until this weekend. I was wary — avocados in my dessert? Mmm.. think I’ll pass…..
But NOT KIDDING, this tastes exactly like the best brownie batter I have ever had. And guess what’s in it…. nothing even close to as unhealthy as what’s in brownie batter. I honestly am still in shock that this ended up tasting as good as it does, and almost still don’t believe it. Guess I’ll just have to make it again? Yes!
5 ingredients + one food processor (or blender / Bullet / Ninja) = Done!
I made this for Thanksgiving so I could eat as much dessert as I wanted and not feel sick or gross after. Okay, maybe eating multiple avocados isn’t the lightest calorie option in the world, but you can’t argue that having 2 servings of this is better than the other processed options. Just my reasoning!
And whether you make this for the holidays or another dinner, or just for fun, I hope you enjoy it! Let me know how it turns out!
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Chill Time: 20 Minutes
Total Time: 25 Minutes

- food processor (or blender / Bullet / Ninja) (any of these to blend ingredients together)
- 2 medium-sized ripe avocados
- 1/2 cup unsweetened dark cocoa powder (you can use regular if you do not like the dark)
- 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
- 1/4 cup almond milk (any kind of milk will work, but I prefer almond because of it’s thickness and taste)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Cacao nibs or fresh raspberries/strawberries to garnish (optional)
Serves 3-6 people, depending on serving size. For a larger portion to serve more people, just double/triple the ingredients!

- Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until completely smooth.
- Cover and refrigerate for about 1 hour (it is fine to eat sooner than that, or not refrigerate at all – this is just a suggestion!)
- Separate into individual bowls, shooters, mini cups, or serve in a big bowl with a serving spoon if family style.