skinny mint tea blogger

3 Ways to Kickstart Your Summer, The Healthy Way!

summer healthy fitness

Summer summer summer time! We can’t wait for summer around here! Festivals and fun with the #VGBsquad! Trying to get healthy after the winter blues is sometimes hard so I always try to detox to get my butt back in shape. It really gives you the kickstart you need. I try to do a detox every few months just to restart my body and kickstart my health routine when I’m trying to get back on track.  April is my Birthday month and I wanted to feel better and lighter in time for my Birthday! So I called up my besties, our VGBsquad obvi, to take the journey with me! Our squad loves to stay healthy together! I’ve put together my 3 musts in order to kickstart the best month/summer ever! These 3 things are my essentials when I’m trying to get back on track and get healthy!

Check out my 3 ways to kickstart your summer!

skinny mint tea fitness health

1. Detox

I found SkinnyMint Teatox and bonus, it comes in a Besties Pack, so you can take the Tea Detox Journey together for a healthier, happier YOU!  It’s so nice to share the motivation with your besties to kickstart the best month – and save money.  I opted for SkinnyMint Teatox because it’s designed to increase energy and naturally cleanse the body.  I love drinking tea in the morning and before bed anyways so I knew it’d be perfect for me.

Read More on SkinnyMint Teatox here

 I’ve also tried the blueprint 3 day cleanse, ardens garden 2 day detox, along with several other disgusting ones but those 3 I can manage and I’ve had success with.


2. Deep Tissue Massage

It’s imperative to detox your body and get the toxins out with a deep tissue massage at least every 3-4 weeks.  Especially if you’ve been working out. In my case, my muscles tighten and pull on my other muscles which puts me in a ton of pain.  Massages release all the pressure and will help get you moving again. I use Nacole’s Luxury Travel Spa because Nacole was also a nurse and specializes in sports therapy massages. She’s worked with the Braves, Falcons, Dodgers, Cleveland Browns, Hawks and so many more so you’re in good hands! Bonus, she comes to you, she’s mobile! In Atlanta, book your massage here.

atlanta wall murals blogger graffiti

3. Yoga

Clear your mind, body, and soul by practicing yoga in addition to detoxifying your body with Skinny Mint Teatox. It’s so great to further detox through yoga. By stretching you release tension in your body and through twisting and sweating you organs further release toxins, purifying your body. Yoga is a great addition to any detox to maximize the greatest results. If you’re in Atlanta, we recommend Core Power Yoga! Try to catch our VGBsquad Katherine and Alex teaching classes while you’re there!



These 3 things are my go to for having an amazing month and I hope they help you refresh and restart too!  I’ll be continuing this regimen for the rest of the summer because I love the way detoxing, yoga, and my massages make me feel! Try it and let me know what you think!


skinnymint teatox health and fitness detox

This post was sponsored by Skinny Mint Teatox but all opinions are my own.