So it’s been awhile since I did a Weekend Shenanigans post so I thought I’d catch everyone up to speed on what I’ve been up to lately. Get ready for a long picture book.
1. Arden’s Garden 2 Day Detox
Would I do a detox again: Yes
Would I do Arden’s Garden: No
Drinking the same thing over and over again with a grapefruit aftertaste is not my cup of tea. However it did do it’s job…. I lost 5 pounds on day 1 and I only had to do it for 2 days. I did miss chewing so what I did was blend it with some ice. The icee definitely helped me get my fix.
2. Days at home with good company
A great mail day with a little Hartley pic and some nom nom home made chili and corn bread in my FIRST EVER crock pot! Hello Winter! Recipe HERE!
3. Firehouse Rock
You guys are going to love this….
Have you ever just straight up walked into a fire station?
Have you ever just straight up walked into a fire station after you’ve been drinking?
WELL IT’S FUN!!!! Hello new outfit! Hello Firemen! Hello fire truck, bright lights, a full kitchen, tv room, workout room and a pole (get your mind out of the gutter).
Clearly you can see we had fun!
4. Girls Nights out and Flat Stanley! If you want to know more about FLAT STANLEY check out
Flat Ady HERE!
5. One of my new favorite quotes!
6. Welcome to our CAMPFIRE!
I got a new chimenea and lit it myself for the very first time (without lighter fluid) Go me! I was a girl scout! Also, strutin’ my stuff in my new full on thermal jammies from Victoria Secret. The Long Jane PJ you can find them
HERE. I love the cream ones and they’re on sale!
7. Traveling for work!
Jumping on hotel beds, great ocean views and Miami!
BAMA sweatshirt from Victoria Secret |
8. Fall Mani’s and Fall Leaves!
I love this fall mix of colors… the nail salon… not so much. A different fall color on every nail!
9. The best parents ever!
I get home from my work trip to find my fav wine, a sweet note, a clean house, a clean puppy dog, and all my laundry done! Such a nice surprise! Best parents ever!
10. Round 2! Being invited back to the Fire Station for a little dinner!
We all got to make spaghetti together! Doing something nice for a group of people that risk their lives for us felt great! Everyone should go to their local Fire Station and drop off groceries or baked goods! Giving back is great! We even set the table, held hands, and said a prayer around the table. They even got called away during dinner to go on a call.
11. Antique Shopping Success!!!
My abs fav find!
12. Hot Air Balloon Show!
All and all a lot to catch up on!! Thanks for reading! I hope everyone has a great week!
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