What do you want for your Birthday? A guide to GETTING the gift you actually want!
Tired of getting shitty gifts that you don’t like?
Tired of faking a smile?

Tired of returning things?
Just because you can’t write Dear Santa lists or leave notes for the Tooth Fairy (what you didn’t do that? Holla fo a dolla) doesn’t mean you should get stuck with money, gift cards, and the same shitty gifts every year. #amiright?
So… what do you want for your Birthday? That’s the question we all get every year! And with my 30th Birthday comin in hot I’ve gotten that question a lot! I’ll admit… I’m a hard person to shop for. Reallll hard. Mainly because if I want something I buy it. Plain and simple. But I’m making this little cheat sheet on how to get what you want for your Birthday for all you #GoldieFoxes out there and a little hint hint wink wink for my peeps too!

Step numero uno. Download the Keep App. The best place to buy online (besides ebates) where you can buy from anywhere and you only need to put your credit card information in once. Yes it’s trouble. Your wallet will hate me. BUT the app allows you to create a wish list… think of it as the registry to the Universe. You can “register” anything and everything from anywhere! Mind. Blown?…. You’re Welcome. So for example on my Keep I have a wishlist, purchased list (to keep track), for others, and for him! You can divide up the must haves and wants however you want!
For me… meaningful gifts mean the most. I love a gift that has meaning. Especially if I’ve mentioned something I love in the past and a friend or bf remembers that and gets it for me. (little hint here: take notes throughout the year when you hear things they might want) Melts my heart to know they listen and care that much. Putting thought into a gift makes a HUUUUGE difference! The feeling of being loved and thought about is so much better than just a gift. If it means something… no matter the price tag… it’ll go a long way!
If it’s your boyfriend // husband // sig other it can be a hand written love note, 30 reasons why they love you, 30 things they are going to do for you, or a meaningful gift. I’ve posted a few of my favorites below.
Dear Parents… if you’re reading this (it’s not too late). #seewhatididthere A facial and a massage works but then again so does paying off my car and my mortgage. Too much? Ok then. The 19cm rose gold Cartier love bracelet… the large Gucci felt tote, diamond earrings, a Rolex. Should I stop now? #agirlcandream Looooove you! (Side bar: The material girl Madonna song just started playing through my head. Sorry not sorry.) Ok for reals -Paying my personal trainer for 3 sessions (or as many as you want) would be amazing too!

Friend gifts are the best! And sometimes a dinner or a happy hour will do. Just little reminders of your friendship and inside jokes are perfect! Packed Party is my new fav. I just love their boxes. They are great not just for Birthday’s but for all occasions. Mugs that talk, friendship bracelets, candles, Chanel espadrille flats pedicures, witty books, planners, stationary, girls trips, makeup, earrings, anything Kate Spade, a cupcake, wine, wine glasses, gold foil or black and white stripe anything, cute clutches or handbags, donating to a charity of your choice, a unicorn…. I mean the options are endless.
Here’s what I’m talking about…. (PS. All of these are on My Keep Wishlist)
So now that I completely went Sweet 16 sass attack on you and blatantly laid out what I love and am currently lusting over.

Let me know your lust list, some of your favorite gifts of all time, your go to gift, what you love to give or get or just some fun Birthday memories!
Remember we love to chat and our party is over @VerbalGoldBlog