VGB does Atlanta Apparel


Verbal Gold was so excited to be invited to the Atlanta Apparel Mart for a series of Blogger Events.  There were fashion shows spotlighting 2016 spring styles, seminars featuring Lush to Blush, A Southern Drawl, Seersucker + Saddles, and Living in Color Print plus we got to tour The Mart and check out some of the stores and booths.  
During the Blogger Lunch and Learn, we were able to bring back some key points from the panelists about blogging:
  • Set aside time each week to discover new brands/trends/etc
  • Set time aside each week for your posts
  • Get involved with other bloggers in your area 
    • Help them boost their posts and they’ll help you boost yours, multiplying your followers
  • Incentives to get new followers
    • i.e. Sign up for x, sweepstakes, etc (follow to be entered, enter email, etc)
  • Get involved in networking events (like this one) to meet fellow bloggers, plus see up and coming trends, etc
  • Comment on other bloggers posts
  • Comment back to followers on social posts and on the blog
    • On FB/Twitter/Insta tag them
    • Get the conversation going and interact with them on a personal level
    • Gets them to start to feel a connection to you and your brand
  • Ask open ended questions on your posts to get followers involved, more followers, and more attention on posts
From Left to Right:
Lush to Blush, Living in Color Print, A Southern Drawl, & Seersucker + Saddles
After the Blogger Lunch and Learn, we were able to check out some awesome booths. Here are some pictures from our first stop at Written. These tees are super soft and have such cute sayings!

Our favorite shirt!
Wine and candy, yes please!

Then we headed towards the runway to watch the models strut their stuff and get a preview of the spring fashion line.



Now back to more shopping…

Falling for Fringe! Even into the Spring!
Danna from My Style Blog modeling a sequins jumpsuit.


Alex & Danna enjoying some champagne!
So many floors and never enough time, thanks AmericasMart for having us! Until next time!
xoxo, Alex & Lindsay