The Ultimate Unicorn Hair Transformation from Basic Blonde to DopeAF!
I recently took a work trip to Jacksonville, Fl and was accompanied by my mom so we could enjoy some mother/daughter quality time. My mom is what the world would deem as a traditional southern mother. I definitely get my nice nasties from her and anyone from the South understands the “language.” Bearing this in mind, while hanging out with my mom, she says “I used to love your hair blonde, but I think you should go back to brunette.” Intrigued, I looked to her and said, “Oh yeah?” I knew there was more she wanted to say and that she was clearly holding back hoping that I would read between the lines or ask her to continue. She then decided to bribe me…”I’ll pay you $300 to dye your hair back to brown. I think it would look nicer and be easier to maintain.” Lol my sweet southern mom…
So…I took the $300 and quickly called my friend Jazzy to turn me into a unicorn. Yep, I decided to go straight rainbow. Take that mom! Lol. But to be honest, I love it and I’ve been wanting to do something different for awhile. I kind of feel like I had a Miley moment. You know, when Hannah Montana Miley broke the mold and turned into Bad Bitch Miley. That’s kind of how I feel now with my new mane. Living in the South it’s a little different than LA / NYC, we don’t have as many dope hair cuts and dye jobs as they have. Luckily, I have my friend Jazzy who also happens to be a badass sylist and is suuupppper educated when it comes to color and what’s new and trending. Love her. (And my mom of course)
So without further adu. Check out my unicorn hair transformation below!
Let me know what you think!
PS. If you love it as much as I do and live in the Atlanta area, reach out to @JazzyFarrah!