Sobriety Test App just in time for MDW2015

Well it’s Memorial Day Weekend and most everyone has Monday off so I know there will be a lot of partying and drinking or relaxing and drinking.  And everyone here on the VGB team wants y’all to drink responsibly and drive safe!  So if you’re drunk… yeah I said it.  I definitely recommend you downloading this app.  The Sobriety Test App is here!
All you have to do is download the app. get drunk. spin the wheel. take the test.
There are a bunch of different tests depending on what you land on when you spend the wheel.  Here is one example of how it works…


I obviously got 100% (haha smirk) but if you were drunk you would not be able to do that.  (Side bar: Do not solely rely on this app.  It’s all in fun and games to try when you’ve been drinking)
Since I got 100% the first round I decided to spin again and try a different test… just for you drunkies to see what would happen…


Fail. Find the nearest hotel, or send out a sobriety distress signal. (haha)  You’re welcome.  

Come share your scores over @VerbalGoldBlog and remember we’re now on SnapChat so you can see all of our fun MDW2015 adventures.  Add us and we’ll add you back! #VerbalGoldBlog

xoxo Ady