Bumble App Review


Hey again to my single friends! Remember a few weeks ago when I told you first date questions to ask… Well, here’s a dating app that prob isn’t worth trying because I doubt you’ll get the chance to use them!


This new app Bumble App works in a very similar fashion to Tinder. Swiping and photos. Two main differences the lead information is where he went to college/grad school and where he works. Basically a hot or not or could be a wealthy guy app. The cauvot to it is girls have to message first after you match. We are given 24 hours after the match to start a convo. – like, WTF.





In theory total control over who you talk to. In practice, emailing a guy first goes against every natural instinct I have. I honestly can’t believe Betches suggested this other than for the shear fact that you are able to see where these guys went to school and where they work. But, Cool, now what? Isn’t Betch philosophy about being pursued  I know mine is.



I have a feeling my attitude will be much like other girls “ohh if he really wants to talk to me, he’ll figure out how!” (Aka, all my matches are going to start disappearing).  I have been on the app for roughly 24 hours. One of the guys “extended” the talk time for another 24 hours so that I have another day to start up a convo with him. – listen pal, I might need a week because I’m new here! My first question am I suppose to be waiting for them all to use their one time daily extension on me so I know they are interested before reaching out?  If he doesn’t, I should just let him disappear?? This is just the tip of my iceberg of confusion.





What I find really annoying is, why do I only have 24 hours? When guys essentially put you in pergatory for, forever with Tinder after they auto-yes everyone within a 7×7 mile radius and lose the ability to scroll back to who’s really interesting.  I want that same option!  I want these guys to sit and wait for weeks and me still never email them. (but for real though). Granted my Tinder ratios are around 90% messages, but still… It’s always that one cute guy, holding a chocolate lab puppy that you are secretly hope will message that never does. (Where are you Chocolate Lab holding, supposed 6’2, loves to travel gorgeous guy!!? F-Ing email me, duh)


What I would really like to know, what’s an appropriate opener on this app?  Please someone tell me.  How are guys feeling about this? Are girls intro lines better or worse than guys? Am I over thinking this too much?



xoxo your dating friend, Lauren