Saturday Sessions: Takeover by Anna in Wonderland
I couldn’t be more excited to have Anna taking over my blog for Saturday Sessions! Anna blogs over at Anna in Wonderland and lives in the UK! I mean how awesome to have a UK blogger taking over! So read up on Anna because you are going to love getting to know her!
What’s your name? Anna
Where are you from? Originally California but I now live in the UK.
What’s your blog name? Anna in Wonderland
Why did you start blogging? At first it was really only for me for fun. It wasn’t until a couple months ago I realized how amazing it would be to spend more time blogging.
How’d you pick your blog name? Alice in wonderland is my absolute favorite thing. Kind of a no brainer!
What’s your favorite part of blogging? Getting to share my life with others and getting a peek into their lives. I’m a bit nosy!
Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts? All over the place! Beauty projects I’ve tried, places I’ve been, things I’ve done….
Do you have any special weekly posts and/or favorites? Well since I work from home most days, my sleeping clothes and day clothes don’t really differ from one another. So once a week I do an outfit of the day because I can be sure to wear a real outfit and photograph it a couple of times a week.
Fav blogs to read? Sprinkle of glitter and freckled fox
Fun facts: I’ve lived in 5 countries, I love history and I specialize in WW2 in my non-blog life, I used to play Cinderella at kids birthday parties but my dream was always to play Alice, I’ve never had short hair, my dog is hilarious and has the personality of an old stodgy man and he cracks us up all the time.
Isn’t she so cute! Now go say hi! Her blog is adorable!!!
*If you’re interested in taking over my blog one Saturday just click here.