#WHATTHEHEALY a bach party
#WeddingSeason is here in full force in the South. I think I’m up to number 8 so far this year… whew. Came home on a red eye from NYC and jetted right back out the next morning for Miami. Luckily I had packed two suitcases and had them ready to go because I knew I’d be too tired to deal with it when I got in from NYC.
I read somewhere that it’s okay to overpack… because suitcases have wheels now. Wrong. Unless you have a friend to close it while you sit on top… you’re doomed. I had to duck tap (I know I know… so classy) my suitcase… and not for safety and security but so it wouldn’t bust open and break a zipper.
Now when I go carry on style, I go full professional and keep it black on black on black… but when I check a bag I’m all like what’s the most obnoxious suit case I can take so I recognize it! And lucky for me too because of our 3 flight delays my suitcase got home before I did and it went to the airport babysitter, basically where luggage goes to die, and I don’t think I ever would have seen her again if it weren’t for the one and only houndstooth and hot pink print! Thank you suit case travel gods above!
So back on track… after my Miami and Ft.Lauderdale meetings I was able to join the weekend Bach festivities! My little college roomie is getting hitched so we got to celebrate in Las Olas. We rented a house with a pool close to the bars and beach which was fun. Especially the college like reunion having all the old roomies together again.
Needless to say traveling, working, and partying…. I’m exhausted but the bags under my eyes are Chanel.