New City, No Rules… Okay, Maybe A Few

Being new to #VGB, I thought I’d make my debut post both personal and enlightening. Very excited to be a part of this awesome team over here, with some incredibly inspiring women. Off my soap box…

It’s incredible what you learn about yourself when you’re pushed out of the comfort zone you’ve grown to love, acclimating with a new group of people and having to rediscover what makes you tick.
To be fair, the first few weeks were so exciting, new EVERYTHING! New house, new furniture, new neighborhood, new scene and most importantly, new MEN people! But when that excitement faded, I found myself asking, WTF!

So, what is the key to starting a new adventure in a new city after the excitement comes to a screeching halt? There are NO RULES!
Let’s be honest, we all know that one “sceney” bar we wouldn’t be caught dead in ALONE. Well, the time has come to throw rule #1, dining alone, out the window immediately! Going solo to a new bar or restaurant is the best!

A few of my new favorites in Seattle include; Purple Wine Bar & Cafe, recently rated best wine bar with 4 locations around Seattle, Quinn’s Pub in Capitol Hill, amazing drinks and one of the best burgers in town, Smith is a fantastic choice for you brunch goers, hip atmosphere and a slam dunk with their fried chicken and waffles. (insert savoring delicious food emoji)! Post up to the bar, introduce yourself to a stranger and let your curiosity run free!
Rule #2 to squash, introducing yourself to a perfect stranger. We’ve all been guilty of noticing that gal with the perfect highlights or the to-die-for manicure and rather than experience the agony of death by a bad colorist finding these on your own, just ask! I met my best friend Heather thanks to her blonde highlight secret share at the 24 hour fitness, she thought I was hitting on her, but it was TOTALLY worth it!
I’ve always heard that some of life’s biggest challenges involve moving, a job change, and finances and to never take on more than one at a time. Well, why not take on all three and show them who’s boss. Rule #3 Easing into it; no thanks, see ya on the flip! Some of life’s biggest growth moments revolve around being outside your comfort zone, no second guessing, no doubting and just going for it. Life is short, why dilly dally in a new undertaking. Each experience is a lesson and the more lessons you learn, the stronger you become! Always be learning, always be growing, period.
While I love having no rules (rebel at heart), there are just a few rules when it comes to moving to a new city…
#1. No wallowing in your old city blues, it will always be there and you can always go back and visit.

#2. Like any good break up, you can’t only remember the positives, be open to new ideas and creating new memories.
#3. Get out of your comfort zone!! This is your chance to grow and learn something new about yourself, don’t miss the opportunity!
As hard as this move have been, I’d do it all again tomorrow. Show that new chapter who’s boss!