How To Write An About Me Page That Converts Readers Into Subscribers

Your “About Me” page has the potential to become one of the most popular pages on your site. That’s because it’s the page where most of your new readers will visit to learn more about you and why should they stick around for more.
But, many new bloggers fail to understand the true purpose of it, and learning how to write an about me page that is compelling and keeps your readers coming back for more is an essential step to your blog’s success!
So, first, let’s begin with what is an about me page?
It’s like an online career portfolio where you try to give your readers an insight into you and your blog by explaining things like,
- Who you are and what you do
- What’s your personal story and your “WHY” behind creating this
- What is your site about and how you created it
- Your long-term goals and how you intend to help your visitors

Now, let’s move to how to write an about me page that stays with your audience.
How to write an about me page that converts
Write an about me page that shows who you are:
1. Explain to your readers why they should be here and why they should stick around for more.
The first step is to convince your visitors that something you’re offering here is exactly what they’ve been looking for, on the internet.
For instance, if your blog is directed towards fitness enthusiasts who are serious about their health and want to get better at this lifestyle then, you must mention this at the very beginning of your “About Me” page.
Explain your target audience:
- Why your content is perfect for them
- Why they’ll enjoy reading what you are writing
- Why you want them to visit your blog
- Later, tell them what topics you specialize in. Moreover, if you offer any services/products that can help your readers to achieve their goals easily then mention that as well.
Both these points will make your introductory paragraph.
2. Support your claims
Talk about how good you’re at what you do and explain to them why they should listen to you. For instance, if you have a degree, certificate, diploma, etc in your niche then, tell it to your visitors because this increases your credibility.
But, if you don’t have one then also it’s fine because it is not necessary to have some educational background in your niche. Instead of that, you can back up your claims with relevant experience.

3. Tell them your story
Don’t be rigid when writing an “About Me” page, talk to them like you’re talking to a friend. After all, they are checking this page because they want to know more about your life and journey.
Go ahead, be free, and tell them your story, talk about your motivation, what you do besides blogging, how you are planning to change your life through this blog, your little achievements, and things like that. Just make sure that you don’t describe irrelevant stuff about yourself (likes, dislikes, etc).
Extra things every about page must have:
4. Add images
Keep in mind that images on your blog are an essential part of your brand, so don’t add any random ones. Try to include more than one image of yourself but, if you’re camera shy then, a single recently captured good quality photo with a bright smile is also enough.
5. Add your contact info
Support your readers, ask them to contact you any time they face a problem that you can help them with. Make sure you mention your, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter handle along with your e-mail Id and reply to them as soon as possible when they contact you.
6. Close with CTA
The goal here is to capture those email-ids. You can do this in two ways.
Attach a subscription form and ask them to join your newsletters (Moderately effective)
Tempt them to leave their emails in order to get awesome freebies that you’ve created like mini e-courses, e-books, planners, checklists, etc (More Effective way)
Lastly, remember that learning how to write an about me page is one of the best ways to convert random readers into regular visitors. So, write it mindfully.
Any other tips on how to write an about me page?
I’m sure that these tips will help you to get through this mind-wrecking task successfully. Do you have something interesting to add to this topic? Or did you followed these tips and wrote an awesome “About me” page? Share your views or experience in the comments below!