Fried Lobster Bites Recipe

To give you a little background my dad hates Turkey.  Every Thanksgiving instead of eating a turkey we would have fried lobster tails.  We are a strange family – I know.  So ever since I was 12 years old I’ve been helping my mom and meemaw make these.

I know it’s not Thanksgiving but I had the urge to change up the recipe today and instead of making fried lobster tails I made fried lobster bites, aka more fried surface, you’re welcome. Yes, I live in the South.

Get excited because I’m sharing the recipe with you below!  There are several different ways to make this.  An easy way and a hard way.

Easy Way-  Lobster tails and Pancake Mix. Milk. Eggs. Fry. Done

Harder Way-
Lobster Tails
2 cups Cornmeal
1/2 cup All purpose flour
Seasoning to taste (cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt and pepper, dried parsley, garlic salt, celery seed)
2 Eggs (beaten)

Step 1. Get a Lobster Tail

Step 2. Flip the lobster tail over, place your thumb in between the shell and meat and use scissors to snip each side all the way down to the tail.


Step 3. Flip the lobster tail over and peel the shell back.  Cut off any edges and clean up the lobster tail.


Step 4. You can fry the lobster tail whole but I chose to do ‘bites’ and cut it up into bite size pieces.  Soak the lobster in milk and set in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.  That will help take away any fishy taste.

Step 5.  Set up your “assembly line” and spices while you wait. Mix the spices in a bowl.

Set up your assembly line.  You’ll need one bowl for milk.  One for beaten eggs. One for spices.  Turn your vegetable oil on to heat up in either a deep fryer or pot.  I put my burner on high, throw a pinch of flour in and once it sizzles you’re ready to put the lobster in.  Make sure to turn the heat down to medium.  I also put a paper plate with two paper towels next to the oil for when the lobster tails come out.  They will need to dry on the paper towels.

Step 6.  Take your lobster out of the fridge and follow the assembly line.  Take a bite size piece and dip it in the egg then into the spice/flour mixture and coat evenly.  I did about 5 at a time.  Then using put each piece into the oil until they are lightly brown.  Remove and place on paper towel.  You’ll know the lobster is cooked when the inside is white.


Once they have cooled a little you’re ready to eat!  Enjoy!  I know most people like lobster with drawn butter blah blah blah but I eat mine with ketchup and honey mustard! Yum!

xoxo Ady

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