Not a Morning Person and my lovely guest Martinis & Bikinis

I am so obsessed with Emily over at Martinis and Bikinis!  She and I get along great because I.  HATE.  MORNINGS!  Like I can’t even.  Literally Linda… #icant So take it away Emily on how bad mornings SUCK!

Hi readers of Just Add Glitter! I’m Emily from over at Martinis & Bikinis and I’m excited that Ady was nice enough to let me take over her blog for the day! I wanted to share a lil secret about myself…

I was cursed with not being able to cope with mornings quite as well as our co-existing morning people. If you happen to be a non-morning person, you may experience the same symptoms as I do:

1. The sound of an alarm clock is like nails scratching on a chalk board. The snooze button will surely be hit anywhere from 3 to 5 times each and every morning.
2. Don’t even ask me to go workout with you in the mornings before work. Not.Gonna.Happen. I really wish I could though!
3. I’m always counting the amount of hours sleep I got from the night before to figure out if I should really be THAT tired.
Speaking of that, I need this shirt asap.
4. I never have time for breakfast before leaving for work. Sleep has always taken priority so I’ve become accustomed to lean pockets or smoothies to-go.
5. I seriously need about 30 minutes of silence and coffee before any
conversation will happen right after waking up. No rational decisions
will ever be made during those 30 minutes.
6. The most exciting part of the weekend is being able to sleep in without the disruption of an alarm clock.
7. I’ve accidentally turned off my alarm clock instead of hitting snooze on several occasions. Hair and makeup out of the window! Rush, rush, rush…
8. Appearing to be bitchy toward morning people. How do they do it?

9. Nodding off at your desk after lunch. The US really needs to adopt a siesta nap after lunchtime like Spain, Italy and some Latin American countries. Please!
10. I’m always internally rationalizing and scheming how to get out of early morning appointments, meetings, and other obligations.
How do you deal with mornings?
Feel free to hop over to my blog space Martinis & Bikinis and say Hi! I’d love to hear your thoughts and advice on how to become a morning person.

You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

xx Emily

Is she not hilarious?!?!  I love love love her blog so go check it out and say hi for me!

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