BTS from our Photoshoot at The Plaza

I had so much fun at The Plaza I never wanted to leave.  I’m lucky I was joined by Jennifer Oetting Photography who styled this amazing shoot!  I know, I know, hard to believe this isn’t real life where I’m actually about to get in this bath.  (Although there was a lot of pressure to get in and do a shoot, but I had to pass) Nope.  Instead, I’ll just sit on the side and try to awkwardly pose in my comfy robe.  Thinking does this look good?  Do I look like an alcoholic?  Are there any full bottles of Veuve?  I mean we did drink those over a period of time not just in one bath.  I mean this photo looks dope so I don’t care.  Do people really bathe with rose petals? Can we actually have a champagne shower? So many thoughts. 

I bought bubbles, a bubble maker, and pink food coloring for this shoot in hopes that we could recreate this photo but that was ultimately a fail.  If you follow us on Snapchat (@Verbalgoldblog) you saw the BTS action for this shoot!  

If you missed our last post about our girls night at The Plaza, you know we had so much fun!  Getting ready in a bathroom like this was a dream! This is only a third of the giant bathroom suite.  Y’all should have seen the shower!  This bathroom at The Plaza Hotel was amazing brilliant! (The brit I was with told me that Americans say ‘amazing’ too much and in England they prefer brilliant.)  

You can only see a fraction of the damage we did with the unlimited minibar.   Yes… Unlimited. Minibar. [bold, highlight, italics, all caps, emoji heart eyes, emoji hands… I mean aaaallllllll the feelings!] Who knew those two little words could lead to so much happiness.  Who knew such a thing even existed.  Well, The Plaza’s “house champagne” is Veuve so were some happy campers! #SorryRaye  
Oh, Raye was our butler during the entire stay and he was fabulous!  We obviously became fast friends with all his champagne campaign “refill” trips.  We even had Raye in some of our blog photos you can see here!   
We rocked those robes our entire stay.  Loved it.  I can’t get over how gorgeous the bathroom was. The gold details, the marble tile, the doors, and even the detail on the doorknob make my heart go pitter-patter.  It’s the little things.  Leaving the good life was a reality check.  And not one we wanted to do.  We delayed leaving for hours but were finally forced to leave to catch our flight back to Atlanta. Meh.  But anyways, it was a blast!  Can’t wait to tell y’all about our Tea Time at The Plaza where I learned how to do it “the right way”.   
(highly recommended and a featured Birmingham magazine regular)
Find her on Instagram here