7 ways to deal with the back to college/university blues

After a long, hot summer (or a long, rainy and shit summer if you live in England like myself) sometimes the thought of ditching the cute summer wardrobe and opting for more practical and fall appropriate college and university attire can be daunting. After spending a year *studying* (hanging out and doing nothing) abroad in America, going back has hit me about as hard as Blake Lively in the gif below:


So I’m here to turn those frowns upside down and give you my top 7 tips on how to handle the transition with ease and sass, like the fabulous ladies that you are.
1. Buy yourself a brand new, back to university, first day outfit
New year= New you (until October obviously when you’re back in class with makeup from the night before still on, sweatpants, greasy hair and a stained T-shirt #nojudging) and there is nothing like strutting into your new classes full of unfamiliar faces feeling your absolute *best*.  A wise old man once said “when you look good, you feel good” and I certainly know this to be true for myself. So radiate confidence and be your best self. 
2. Arrange a last *hoorah* with your ‘home’ friends to celebrate the end of summer
Loads of people (such as my self) don’t go to a college or university near their hometown so part of the sadness of leaving home is to do with the fact you wont see many of your friends for a longtime. By having one last big shindig (I always recommend going out for dinner, because *food* and cocktails) is a fun way to see all of your friends until the next holiday or vacation. 
3. Pinterest the sh*t out of your new dorm/halls of residence/ apartment
Moving into a new place can be exciting, and scary when you walk into a blank and empty room. *BUT* you could also see the emptiness as a new opportunity to get creative with your best gal and guy pals and make the place truly your own. Pinterest has so many cool ideas that are quick and in many cases cheap on how to decorate your new space. They do say home is where the heart is, and I know after a long day studying (or an even longer evening of partying) I would rather crawl back to a beautiful apartment as opposed to an ugly one.
image via pinterest
*Ok so this one may be a tad optimistic, but you can do something super similar that would be way easier*
4. Get all school supplied up 
New pencil case *check*
Sassy new laptop case *check*
A working set of pens *check*
A highlighter *check*
By sorting all this sort of stuff out early, you are totally saving yourself a hassle in the long run. I’m the kind of girl who takes a laptop to class, but I’m a firm believer that you should always have a pen and paper to hand just in case something goes wrong with the technology you’re using (ipad, laptop, mobile phone). Better safe than sorry!
Elle Woods, my personal hero
5. Do some reading for your upcoming classes (boring but totally worth it)
I know this sounds like a drag (well it shouldn’t if you’ve picked classes that you enjoy and are interested in studying) but it is so important to know what your class is about. Imagine doing an Elle Woods and turning up totally uninformed and being picked on by the teacher? *Eeeeks* Or even worse really, what happens if you realize the class is definitely not the subject for you (which is totally ok) but then don’t have the time to change it? Think ahead, ladies, it will really help you in the long run. 
6. Start making plans with your University/College friends for when you officially get back to your college or university town
Did somebody say housewarming party?! The best way to get pumped for going back to school is remembering why it can be so much fun. When else can you stay out as late as you want without somebody nagging you? Its also important to remember how lucky you are to be able to stay and live with your friends for your time at university. By making plans it will increase your excitement and make going back to school super exciting. 
7. Treat Yo Self
Combat the end of summer blues by quite simply treating yourself. I just bought a gorgeous (but too expensive) Autumn lipstick and have justified it by stating that all my summer colours are too bright and exciting for fall season. Spoil yourself with a new purchase because shopping cures everything (an anyone who says money doesn’t buy happiness DEFINITELY doesn’t know where to shop)


Hopefully after these tips you #caneven and are ready to hit campus like a boss!  What works for you?  Drop us a line below or join us on instagram @VerbalGoldBlog!
xo Asha