How to stay healthy while you’re traveling + on the go!
Traveling is amazing…amiright? Visiting a new place, exploring, and trying all the new restaurants and food! However, with that comes a few problems. Added calories from eating out. I know, I know, calories while on vacation don’t count but if you’re like me and travel all the time, you have to try to look out for your body sometimes. Being in the air can also cause your body to swell. There are a few things I do to keep myself from getting drained while traveling. I’m no fitness expert but, I’m happy to share my tips to keeping my body healthy while I’m on the road.
Check out these top 7 tips to stay healthy while traveling
1. Drink plenty of water!
Hydration is key! Keep an empty water bottle with you or a foldable water bottle so you can always fill up on the go! Then, when you get to your hotel, head to the nearest convenience store and stock up on bottled water.
2. Moisturize + SPF
No matter where you are, SPF is a must. As you age…well shit hits the fan so keep your skin on point and use an SPF. Also, I try to moisturize every morning and every night! Keeping your skin from drying out is a must. In the air your skin can get dehydrated so keep a spray bottle on hand with either a spay moisturizer, rose water, or Evian. You’re supposed to mist your face every 2 hours while flying.
3. Fresh food + steer clear of salt
I know when you stay in a hotel or if you’re on a road trip it’s hard to always eat fresh. My tips are to bring a cooler or stock your mini fridge with fresh fruit and some healthy snack options!
4. Keep Moving
The reason you feel bloated after traveling is because you’re not moving around enough. Just get up and walk around every one to two hours, especially on longer trips. This will help activate your digestion system and keep you from feeling swollen.
5. Adjust to your new time zone
Moving through time zones flips your circadian rhythm (AKA your body’s internal clock) on its head. This disrupts everything from your sleep patterns to your digestive health. Force yourself to stay awake when you arrive at your destination. If it’s local dinner time, have something to eat that’s full of fiber and stay up until it’s time to go to bed at the local time.
6. Stay up to date on your health
Get vaccinations if needed before your trip. Bring your antibiotics and allergy medicine. Take your Vitamin C before and during your trip or use your immune essential oil mixture to combat sickness while traveling. If you’re in a mosquito heavy area like Mexico, make sure you sleep under mosquito netting.
7. Get in a workout
Working out on the go can be challenging…until now! If you’ve got a great view, like alongside an ocean, try going for a run. If you have access to a penthouse fitness center, get your cardio in there. Some fitness centers don’t have weights and some hotels don’t have a fitness center at all. That’s why I’m loving my new UB Toner! It fits perfectly in my carry-on suitcase so I can bring it with me anywhere! I’ve been following the “at home” / “wherever you are” UB Toner workouts to fit in an upper body workout while I’m traveling. I can already tell after a week that it’s working because my arms and upper body are sore. I can’t wait to see the results after a few weeks!
My mom even tried a few exercises with me while we were in Key West last week and she was impressed at the different levels of resistance. Keep your hands at the bottom for an easier workout or move your hands closer to the top for more resistance. This little gadget packs a punch. You can definitely feel the burn when you are using it at the maximum resistance. You’re able to do 4 different exercises in just 10 minutes a day! Super easy to fit in while traveling. Not only is the UB Toner lightweight and portable but you’re able to sculpt your pectorals which will naturally lift your breasts, and firm your biceps and triceps to tone your upper arms! Now that I have this there are no more excuses for not fitting in a workout while I’m traveling. You can bring the gym with you on your trips now by packing the UB Toner!
Find more information by visiting the UB Toner website here.
You can buy yours for under $30 on Amazon here!
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** This post was sponsored by the UB Toner but all opinions are my own.