new york

Shot Spot does NYC

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography
Hey y’all! Jenn here again back with more awesomeness for our NYC extravaganza on the blog this week! I had the opportunity to shoot an insane campaign a couple weeks ago in New York City for Shot Spot-an amazing store in Carrolton, GA just south of Atlanta.  This place is the most amazing place on earth-it’s like if a Nordstrom’s and a Kinnucan’s had a beautiful perfect love child.

Shot Spot is literally the only store I can go into with my husband and not get bothered to leave every 2 minutes because he is having just as much fun in there as I am! It’s like a shopping inception-a black hole that we can both get sucked into for hours on end. IT’S HEAVEN Y’ALL. Shot Spot is not only a retail space that carries basically all my favorite brands (Free People, Quay Australia, French Connection, Trina Turk, I could go on all day), it also houses one of the most state of the art indoor gun ranges in the SouthEast. Shot Spot carry tons of my hub’s favorite brands (Properly Tied, Brackish Bow Ties) and every nonsensical Eno hammock/Yeti Cooler accessory both our hearts desire.

If you are looking for a place in the Atlanta area to shop for a solid two hours uninterrupted by your husband, only to hear those sweet, sweet words “I don’t care babe, get what you want… I may get a couple things too” this is the place for you. This place is Southern husband crack. You’re Welcome.

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

If you didn’t think Shot Spot was the bee’s knees already, you surely will after you go in and meet the owners Tammy and John Paulk. Tammy and John are the peanut butter to my jelly and two of the coolest cats I’ve ever met! They are the patriarch and matriarch of one of the most awesome, ginormous, crazy families around (Tammy is pictured above with her daughters who happen to be some of my best friends/sorority sisters- all decked out in Shot Spot swag of course).  In fact, I really, really wish they would adopt me… mostly so I could be a part of their motley crew, but also so I could get a family discount at Shot Spot to buy all the awesome clothes I shot in New York.

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

Moving right along to our amazing session in NYC- I AM OBSESSED with all of these images from our shoot- not only because of the gorgeous looks styled by my bff Lindy over at Shot Spot but also because the model is my ridiculously beautiful 13 year old niece (Yes she is 13, yes after I took these her father locked her in the basement until her 30th birthday).  I was so proud of her for braving the freezing cold and getting her Kate Moss on like the boss she is. I could talk about how much I love this shoot all day- but I would rather quit blabbering and show you, so enjoy! Thank you Shot Spot for the swell time and bad ass digs, and shop all these looks over on Instagram at @shotspotlookbook or on Facebook here!

Here are some of my favorite looks from our Shot Spot photoshoot!

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

LV bag from Pretty Things Hoarder

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography

shot spot look book new york photoshoot jennifer oetting photography



All photos by Jennifer Oetting Photography