This look is a HOMERUN!! The perfect girlish tomboy mix! Inspiration via Target / NFL style!

The perfect Opening outfit of the Day! #OpeningOOTD Doing baseball in style. Braves and Giants style… vintage t’s, statement necklaces, baseball bracelets, pops of pattern and color in accessories, and my current obsession… baseball keds! (insert emoji with heart eyes) Love them! Own them! Like some famous person or retail store somewhere once said… life is short, buy the shoes. I’m certain they were talking about some stellar loubs but in this case it applies to keds… a very cute perfect for spring pair of baseball keds! Sigh. I’m in love. Slow clap. I realize I might look like a 5 year old wearing them and I’m very ok with that because at the baseball game I eat like one too.
Here’s the schedule for some color / game inspiration!
Play ball!