How to install your bitmoji on snapchat!
Have you installed your bitmoji on snapchat yet? Because it’s hilariously fun! I mean I already know you’re on snapchat because who isn’t right. Bitmoji is the best and it’s even better when your friends have it because then they can be together! You can dress them up and have them talk for you. So have you installed yours yet? If not, no worries. I’m about to show you how! PS. If you’re not already following VGB on snap add us by name @Verbalgoldblog or click here!
Step 1:
Go to your snapchat app, hit the ghost, and then the wheel (settings), scroll down to bitmoji and tap the arrow!
Step 2:
Click on Link Bitmoji
Step 3:
If you don’t already have it you’ll be redirected to the app store to download the Bitmoji Keyboard. Download it!
Open the Bitmoji app and click log in with Snapchat! Click Create Bitmoji!
Step 4:
Design your avatar! You can be anything you want to be! So obviously I picked a unicorn! The Bitmoji closet is a lot like the clueless closet I always wanted. Where you can just scroll the outfits over your avatar. I wish this was real life and dressing was that easy.
After you’ve designed your avatar hit agree and connect! And voila!
Step 5:
Now when you’re in snapchat… click the face on the far right and a slew of options will come up! If the friend you’re chatting with has their bitmoji installed your two avatars can be in image together! I love it! Share share share and make sure all your friends install theirs too!
Go back to bitmoji in snapchat settings when you want to change outfits or edit your mini me!
Have so much fun playing on snap with your new avatar! Remember to snap us your bitmoji once it’s installed! We can’t wait to see!