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How to host an instagram takeover

If you didn’t see on my instagram, VGB instagram, twitter, or facebook, I went to Aruba a week ago and have been having withdrawls ever since.  (catch up on the full travel guide here)  While away on the most amazing vacation catching up on some much needed R&R, I had the best team of bloggers take over our blog Instagram!  #VGBtakeover 


I highly recommend hosting an Instagram takeover!  So I wanted to share what I learned and a how to!  I always always believe in sharing the love.  After all, sharing is caring.  And our blog community is what I absolutely love the most about blogging and blog world.  Support other bloggers and send the elevator back down.  Don’t believe me?  Taylor Swift does it… at every show and music video!  #supportyourfriends  Helene wrote the best blog post about it here.   (Side note: Just got back from the Tay Tay show and we’ll have a full recap coming soon!) 


How to host an instagram takeover: 


1. First things first, select one or a few bloggers you want to host the instagram takeover in advance and schedule their day(s). I used a calendar invite as a reminder with my login info in the notes section.  I was lucky enough to have Chan Vu from Sweets by Chan, Cynthia from Darling Down South, Helene from Helene in between, and Harrison from Gilty as Charged join my Instagram Takeover! 







2.  Decide what you want them to be sharing in advance or give them free range.  Totally up to you!  You can use Latergramme as a tool to review the posts in advance.   


If you’re a guest on a takeover introduce and sell yourself.  Remember you are reaching new people that may not know you and this is your chance to let them know you + your instagram rock!  Pretty pictures and engaging captions are a must!  Make sure the why / what aka the takeover hashtag is in the caption, that it’s clear who is taking over and where they came from / their blog.   


3.  Now the fun part!  Create a hashtag!  Make it easy for the bloggers you picked to connect and for your followers to keep up with the takeover!  Ours is #VGBtakeover 


4. Promote promote promote!  I recommend posting a few pics as a teaser leading up to the takeover.   




Promote the instagram takeover on all of your social media sites and have your guest(s) promote it on their blog and social media sites as well.  It’s only mutually beneficial if BOTH parties share.  They’ll be getting a ton of exposure plus gaining new reach and hopefully followers of yours too! You’ll also be gaining the same so its a win win! 


5.  TAKEOVER TIME!!! Yay!  My favorite part.  Sit back and relax and let your guest(s) do what they do best!  Post and share photos! 


Harrison Sapp from Gilty as Charged did an AHHHMAZING job promoting the takeover!! 





Harrison’s Facebook:



You see what I mean!!! How amazing is she!  Harrison knocked it out of the park and we both gained a ton of followers and engagement from the takeover (and even a few new friends)!  All the girls did a stand out job from the quality of their photos to the cute little engaging captions.  They were all so thoughtful and I really enjoyed having them on the insta!   


Still unsure if an instagram takeover is right for you?  Why do it? 

– shake things up a bit on your page 

– share the love and promote your fave bloggers 

– broaden your audience and gain new followers / blog friends 

– engage with new viewers 

– perfect time to keep your account active while you’re traveling 


As always, I love to share what I’ve learned but if you have any tips or ideas feel free to share!  If you want to host an insta takeover or collab shoot us an email or comment below! Happy to have you! 


xoxo Ady