How to do the Hamptons like a pro. Your complete guide to the Hamptons!
I wanted to give y’all and easy guide on traveling and owning the Hamptons. Where to stay, what to eat, where to party, what to wear. The full rundown! What we call The Gold Standard to Hamptons travel.
I have so many tips for people traveling to the Hamptons so lets get straight to it! The Hamptons is a blast. The only part that’s not so great is actually getting there. If you’re coming from anywhere besides New York, you’ll have a long day of travel in planes, trains, and automobiles. The fastest way to get there is helicopter (obviously). Other than that, you’ll be taking a train or driving the 2-3 some odd hours from NY. Either one takes about the same amount of time. But once you get there now what? Don’t worry I’ll fill you in on everything you must do while you’re in the Hamptons!
Check out my guide to the Hamptons!
Here you’ll want to get a share house, find family or a friend to crash with, or book a house through VRBO. This will run you a pretty penny but depending on where you stay you can find a reasonable deal. The key here is to travel with friends! I like to stay close to or in between Sag Harbor and East Hampton so you get a good mix of laid back and posh. Most young adults are venturing out to Montauk lately for a more chill beach vibe.
- Year 1
- Year 2
- Year 3
The inside of the house this year was insane! Everything was so perfect! I did a full home tour on snap and you can see it here!

Interior shot of the house year 3
Lobster roll. Lobster roll. Lobster roll. Did I mention Lobster Roll? Ok so these are my favorite things ever! My go to is the Dock House in Sag but you can snag these anywhere. When my cousin isn’t force feeding me 711 (yes its even in the Hamptons) I’m trying to escape to get a good Lobster roll!

photo by Jennifer Oetting Photography
Another must is Buddha Berry! This place is unreal and a frequent stop for Kardashians and Real Housewives. When I walk in all I can think is “it’s not fair!” (like a 5 year olds temper tantrum) It’s not fair that this great place isn’t available everywhere! They have organic, gluten free, dairy free, vegan ice cream and candy options! I mean is this real life? You can have allergies and get the sweets! They even make home made waffles and cookies (also available in Gluten Free!) Ok so obviously I love ice cream and I’ve rambled on enough about this one. Just know it’s ahhhmazing!
TIP! All the towns in the Hamptons are super cute! I highly recommend exploring as much as you can while you’re there!

photo by Jennifer Oetting Photography
Rosé, duh. End of story. It’s a must. Wolffer Estates has the prettiest bottles known as Summer in a bottle! Definitely go check out their vineyard! Trust me when I say – stock up! There was a major shortage in 2014 and the Hamptons actually ran out of rosé. Crazy right! So now every year when we go it’s a mad rush to the store. This year we were lucky enough to have a house manager who stocked up the wine fridge before we arrived! Whew.

Shop // Beach or Pool // Workout // Relax // Party // Repeat
It usually goes a little something like stock the bar and the fridge, check out the beach, workout (SOUL and Tracy Anderson are a must), rest up, 1OAK Southampton, repeat.
that pic from 2014 is still my fave. mermaid games. flash tats. and that house was amazing.

If you have limited time or are just too hungover to workout both days, my tip is to grab a Tracy Anderson class because you can do SOUL almost anywhere but a Tracy membership is $900 in the city and you can’t take a class without one. Luckily in the Hamptons the class is around $40 and you don’t have to be a member. Such a steal and totally worth it!
Don’t head to 1OAK without a contact. Lucky for you guys y’all can use mine. Just tweet me and I’ll send over the deets! Guys can’t get in without a table which starts at around $1k but typically $4k and even models usually have to pay the $100 cover fee. I know it sounds crazy. Not to brag but being walked in for free, not having to wait in line, and drinking for free is the only way to do it. We like to call it “playing rich”. Is that bad? haha There is typically a famous DJ or celeb there and since it’s a quaint place I always try to say hi. J Lo, Ja Rule, Scott Disick, Kardashians, the list goes on…. I snapped this pic with ASAP Ferg on stage after his performance. #WORK

photo by Jennifer Oetting Photography
I hope you love the Hamptons as much as we do! Anything I missed, recommendations, questions, or just want to chat – come say hi! You can find us @VerbalGoldBlog everywhere!
photo by Jennifer Oetting Photography
We’ll be giving away all our amazing Hamptons pool float stock photos tomorrow on the blog so make sure to sign up for our newsletter to snag them!