Highlights from our stay in Denver!
Traveling across county by train was incredible! Getting to stop over in so many new cities and see the incredible views along the way was so exciting. The way the timing of the entire trip ended up, we had almost three full days in Denver. I must admit that it sometimes seems a little daunting to find activities to fill up so much time in a new city. However, I think we did a relatively good job of doing so.
Here are the highlights from our Denver stay!
– What To Do –
The first day, we set out to find a bike rental place that I had read about online. It was a place called Bicycle Doctor/Edgeworks, which I highly recommend if you’re ever in the area! Denver is big on biking, and they have an array of nicely paved bike trails throughout the city. Renting the bike was simple and a lot cheaper than we had anticipated, so we immediately set off on our biking adventure to explore the city!
The next day we decided to go to the Denver Art Museum. We had already accepted the fact that we would have to spend about $10 each to get in. The goal of the trip was to be as cheap as possible, but obviously everything fun isn’t free. We got a great surprise when we found out that every first Saturday of the month is free for anyone. Guess which Saturday it was!
Our last night there, we decided to fully immerse ourselves into the Denver experience by going to a Colorado Rockies baseball game. I have honestly never been the biggest fan of baseball, but I just love the atmosphere at sports games. My favorite thing to do is people watch, especially when those people continue to get more drunk throughout the game.
– Where To Eat –
Immediately off the train on the evening we arrived, we stumbled upon a burger place that looked relatively promising. After an entire day on a train with nothing but random snacks to hold us over, we drooled over the incredible burgers that ended up in front of us, courtesy of Hopdoddy Burger Bar.
Overall, Denver was very successful. The Super 8 we stayed at was ridiculously cheap and therefore not that nice to really mention. It worked well for our circumstances though. I would definitely visit Denver again if given the chance. Stay tuned for the rest of my train travels!
Have you been to Denver? What’s your favorite thing to do? Leave us some recommendations below!