dragon fruit smoothie bowl recipe

Healthy Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowl Recipe with Luisa from Peaches to Pearls

dragon fruit smoothie bowl recipe

dragon fruit smoothie bowl recipe

Happy foodie Friday! Today, I teamed up with one of my favorite Atlanta bloggers, Luisa from Peaches to Pearls, to share a superfood treat that has quickly become my everyday breakfast must have! Scroll down to the bottom to see Luisa’s video debut and to see how easy the Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowl recipe is! I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed shooting with Luisa! Want to know more about Dragon Fruit and all the health benefits? Luisa majored in nutrition so make sure you check out her blog for more details.



what you need 1

1 pack of Pitaya Pulp

1 cup frozen fruit

1/2 cup Siggi’s Vanilla Yogurt

Coconut Flakes

Fresh Fruit


Pour frozen Pitaya pulp, frozen fruit and yogurt into blender

Blend until completed smooth

Pour smoothie into bowl

Add desired toppings!

Watch the full video here!