#GoldRushCrush Chiara // Angela // Chelsea

If you don’t follow these girls you are missing out!  Serious blog inspiration going on here!


Chiara at The Blonde Salad // Game changer here.  I’m sure everyone in blog world has heard of and already follows Chiara!  Her snap chat, her shoe line, her blog… all amazing!  She’s making waves for us bloggers and I appreciate all of it!  #bloggoals folks #bloggoals


Angela Lanter at Hello Gorgeous // Helloooooo gorgeous!  Because she seriously is!  Her amazing fashion sense + amazing makeup and hair tutorials are a must watch!  Not to mention her cute little voice and snap chats.  We are totally crushing on her over here at VGB!


Chelsea Healy at Choose to be Happy // The girl that started it all for VGB!  She literally made me start a blog and although I was defiant at first her little push made all of this possible!  Her amazing outlook on life in choosing to be happy makes your heart go boom when you read her blog.  You can find the sweetest pictures over on her instagram too! 


Love y’all girls!  


xoxo Ady + VGB Team