Fresher’s Week
Fresher’s Week- What? When? & Why?
Heading to university in the UK is scary and exciting so what is the best way to get accustomed to the student lifestyle- Fresher’s Week!
Fresher’s Week starts during the first week of university before classes start; This is a week filled with alcohol and getting to know your new flatmates, AKA making a complete fool of yourself every night!
Fresher’s Week goes on for so long due to the amount of universities in the major cities (3 major ones in Manchester alone) it is practically Fresher’s Month! So you need to be able to keep up with the constant drunk/hungover trance you will be in for the first couple of weeks.
For those unfamiliar with Fresher’s Week it is basically a week filled with various events at local bars every night of the week. It is very likely you will be dressed like a minion drunk off your face at 3am on a Wednesday and the word Carnage will have a whole new meaning!

Here are a few tips to get you through Fresher’s in once piece:
1. Learn the rules of Ring of Fire
Who doesn’t love a good drinking game? Ring of Fire seems to be the game of choice by the majority of the student population so get ahead of the game and learn the rules to get some brownie points with the new uni mates! PS. at the end of Fresher’s and you will still be holding a grudge on the bitch who kept choosing you to drink on 2!

2. Pre-Drink
As a ‘poor’ student you will quickly learn going out every night takes it’s toll not only on your body, but your bank balance! Pre-drinking saves you wasting your money on over priced alcohol that tastes like paint stripper, as well as helping you get to know your uni mates a whole lot more!

3. Buy vitamins & headache tablets
The endless drinking and late nights catch up with you in the end- that’s why fresher’s flu is a legit thing! Avoid it by taking daily vitamin tablets (unfortunately a sex on the beach cocktail does not contain enough vitamin C to avoid the hangover from hell!)

4. Go to a Fresher’s Fair
Aside from consuming your body weight in alcohol, make some time in your nap schedule to attend the Fresher’s Fair- This is normally full of over enthusiastic 2nd years persuading you to sign up for their society, but also full of free stuff eg. FREE PIZZA!

5. Stock the fridge with water, Gatorade, and/or OJ
This is my personal fave to avoid the dreaded hangover following each night of crazy antics! ORANGE JUICE IS GOD! You’ll thank me the next day!

6. Don’t sleep with or argue with your new flatmate
7 vodkas later it may seem like a good idea but remember you have to live with them for a whole year! Imagine running into them on the way to the shower every day, awks!

But don’t worry if you make a fool of yourself the first time round there is always next year…
Re-Freshers!! (Another year older and wiser ay)
PS. I’ll let you know how this goes for me and Asha soon!

The student life is the best life!
Sam xox