Forever I LOVE Atlanta #BigLoveBall
I love my city! San Francisco has my heart but Atlanta is home. #ForeverILoveAtlanta
I recently got to spread the LOVE with the most gorgeous of Atlanta skylines on the Jackson Street Bridge and the most fun photographers ever over at Six Hearts!

all images via Six Hearts
Black embellished body suit from Asos / Full skirt from Express / Sparkle earrings from C Wonder (similar) (similar) / Leopard shoes from Sole Society / Rings from Shop Hemline / Red scarf from World Market
The Big Love Ball is my favorite photo accessory of 2015! It was seriously so much fun to include in my shoot and I was so amazed with how many people actually stopped to watch and ask about the Big Love Ball. It just makes you happy. You feel a part of something. I know for me when I saw it with Jillian I immediately wanted to be a part of the movement!
They come in 3 different sizes and I love the idea of sending little love balls to long lost friends that live in different cities or making someones day at work just a little brighter letting them know how loved they are! Flowers are so basic but the big love ball is in!
If you couldn’t tell… I was having a blast! Glitter confetti is my BFF and it just so happens that Schellie is a fan too! The owners/photographers William and Schellie are amazing! They specialize in Weddings but can seriously do anything! Check out their amazing work here!
So what is Big Love Ball you ask?
Big Love Ball is the creation of Vancouver designer, Wendy Williams Watt. The original ball was placed in her studio window to beckon the open hearts of those who walked by. Big Love Ball soon became an invited guest to weddings, celebrations and anywhere people feel the love.
Big Love Ball is now sent all over the world as a symbol of inclusion, lightness and love. You can buy one for yourself or send one to somebody who you love…or even like a lot. You will be joining the Universal Family Portrait and the many people saying ‘I am. I’m in. I do.’
A portion of all proceeds are donated to 3 charities – Right to Play, The Trevor Project and Paws for Hope. Big Love Balls are sent to places we’ve never been, events we cannot attend and to friends we’ve never met. To charm, disarm, honor and i n c l u d e the many people in the world who celebrate LOVE.

So spread the love and get your BIG LOVE BALL today! I also love what Hannah Brencher is doing with More Love Letters! Because let’s face it… the world needs more LOVE letters.