Football Vibes: 5 Tips for a Stress-Free Game Day
*Sponsored by Red Baron, all opinions are my own.
I’m throwing you back to football game day pasts today! As you can see I entertain a lot! I’m a pro at having people over and love it. I’m sharing some photos of all the fun I’ve had with my friends in the past but also sharing a major time saving secret to help you easily stroll through game day – since it’s football season! We all know it – some of us love it and some of us love the get together aspect more! Either way, it’s hard to not love tailgating and game days with great friends and hearty football food! But, to have a memorable game day, it takes the host a bit of work. Some weeks I am fully prepared to make all of the dishes and apps, but some weekends there is just too much going on. Here are some tips for planning a stress-free game day to host at your home!
5 tips to make your next game day a breeze!
1. Get a head count
Make sure you get a count of how many people are coming. This way you can make sure you have enough space, seats, food, and drinks. It can really damper a party if there isn’t enough room for everyone, or even worse if you run out of food or beer!
2. Clean the day before + Set the table
Last thing you want is for your guests to be arriving while you’re knee deep in cleaning. Clean the day before so when you wake up on game day, you can focus on yourself, go grab any last minute food or drinks you need, and just make sure you look and feel good so you can enjoy the day. You deserve to enjoy it even more as you put all the hard work into hosting!
Set the table the day before. Set up any decorations you have like themed paper plates and napkins, cute glasses with straws, and any bowls and cutlery. If I have snacks like chips I want to set out, I’ll put all that on the table as well so I know what’s going where. Try to make it as easy as possible for yourself so when game time rolls around you have minimal set up.
Also, this is the time to “phone a friend” or your husband. Don’t try to be superwoman. It’s okay to ask for a hand setting everything up! Have you husband set up shakers, coasters, or help pick up around the house for your guests. You can even put him to work hanging decorations like sparkly streamers, door curtains, a photo booth, set up props, etc. Have fun with it!
3. Prep ahead of time
Nothing is worse than running around morning of to make sure you have everything, then you aren’t ready when people start showing up or are running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Make sure you have enough plates, cups, the dishwasher is empty, if you have to order the game – set that up. You want to be able to enjoy the game day as well, so make sure everything is ready ahead of time so you can chill and relax.
4. Make your food prep easy
Try making dips early in the morning or the day before and placing in the fridge so you can just take out or pop in the oven. On top of any dips or apps, try convenient tasty entrees like pizza for the whole crew. Grab some Red Baron pizza from Sam’s Club ahead of time so you can just pop it in during the game. Not only will it save you time, stress, and money, but your guests will think you made it with how hot and fresh this pizza is. They even have singles for simple serving. One party favorite are the Red Baron pizza mini’s! They’re a huge hit. People love bite size finger food and always grab for the mini Red Baron pizzas as soon as they come out of the over so stock up! Spending less time on cooking while still having quality food for your guests allows you to enjoy the moments that matter with the people that matter, without the stress of the little things.
5. Relax!
Last but definitely not least, make sure you relax. These tips are here to help you relax, but even while you are going through them, remember – you are having people over to have fun! Don’t let yourself get stressed by the prep of having everyone over that you forget to enjoy it yourself.
There are lots of wrong calls made during the football season, but something you can always count on as the right call to make on game day: Red Baron pizza! I seriously could eat this pizza every night it’s so good!

Do you have any great tips for hosting game day from experience? Share your experiences with us below or on twitter @VerbalGoldBlog!
*Sponsored by Red Baron, all opinions are my own.