Boyfriend Travel DIY: 7 Days of Love

This is the perfect way to show your loved one you care.  If your loved one travels constantly this is the perfect way to make sure they don’t forget you. (wink wink) This is one of my favorite DIY’s called 7 Days of Love.  I got my inspiration from the Dating Divas.  It doesn’t cost a lot to show someone you care.  This idea I love because you can do it for under $10.  
* 7 day pill case
* scissors
* small candy/health snacks 
* love notes // printables from here
(you can write your own or add onto the already existing love messages)
All you do is cut and fold each one to go into each day and fill with different candy or health snacks.  Then just sneak it into his travel bag so when he opens it he’s surprised and feels loved.  

xoxo Ady