ady grammer concert atlanta

Andy Grammar, Alex & Sierra, and Rachel Platten Concert in Atlanta and It’s Fine By Me

andy grammer concert atlanta
Exploring Atlanta led us to The Masquerade the other night!  Where Andy Grammer, Alex & Sierra, and Rachel Platten were performing.  I love love love live music!  It’s my jam!  And especially since Alex & Sierra were on the X Factor there was a somewhat diverse crowd {read there was no line at the bar}… which was great!  It’s not a big area so it had a great vibe.  Kind of personal and intimate. 
We watched the show from side stage and ended up on the tour bus afterwards for a meet and greet.  I asked Andy how he liked Atlanta and what were some of his favorite spots.  He said, “The vibe in Atlanta is great!  I love it here!”  One of his favorite spots was Dante’s Down The Hatch which unfortunately closed here in Atlanta and he was pretty bummed.  Andy was a super sweet guy.  He gave us hugs, signed autographs, posed for pictures, and answered some of my questions.
It was my first Andy Grammer concert and to be honest I wasn’t expecting much.  I was looking forward to going home early since I’m detoxing and have been working out every morning at 7 am.  So I was surprised and shocked when I ended up staying for the entire show.  Andy and his band were SO entertaining.   The band genuinely had a great connection. They did the stank face on stage, were cutting up dancing, and engaged with the crowd.  They even took a group selfie using a selfie stick with the crowd.  Literally… SO. MUCH. FUN. 
His opening acts were Rachel Platten who I’ve never heard of but I LOVE!  She was amazing.  We both bought her Fight Song t shirt and wear them all the time!  Please go download her Fight Song right now!  You’re.  Welcome.  It’s the best. (Edit: She’s since blown up and is now a huge hit! Her single Fight Song is played literally everywhere!)

Check out our photos from the night!

 andy grammer concert atlanta  
andy grammer concert atlanta
andy grammer concert atlanta
andy grammer concert atlanta
andy grammer concert atlanta
andy grammer concert atlanta
on the tour bus 
andy grammer concert atlanta





Has anyone else been to an Andy Grammer show or seen Alex & Sierra or Rachel Platten?  I want to hear all about it!