5 Hosting Tips That Will Get You Through The Holidays + a Giveaway!

Welp Thanksgiving is a wrap! Now onto a more sparkly and colorful Holiday that is a personal favorite of mine! This year I hosted Thanksgiving at my house for 17 people. Yes 17! It was a lot but totally worth it. It was also a first this year because I celebrated Thanksgiving with my boyfriends family. That’s 2 major first happening here! Although it was a tad overwhelming and chaotic at times making sure everything was just right it was oh so fun! I love hosting and do it every chance I get! It must be the party planner in me. I have a few tips that will help get you through the Holidays and avoid the #12stinks of the Christmas. Check out Febreze’s 12 Days of Christmas spoof video with Glee’s Jane Lynch and Matthew Morrison here!

I’m a candle girl myself but after smelling the Febreze Holiday scents and how much they eliminate the odor I’m never going back to basics. My boyfriend actually said, “I don’t know what smells better, the upstairs or the downstairs!” We had Febreze candles upstairs and the Febreze spray and plug ins downstairs. Let’s just call it a draw and say the entire house was smelling fresh!
Enter our giveaway here to get rid of your #12stinks!