Women’s Entrepreneurship Day at the UN in NYC

We were so honored to be 1 of 12 selected to attend the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations in New York along side the greats like Forbes and Marie Claire!  It was truly a once in a lifetime experience and we are so appreciative to have attended!

Women's Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations in NYC #WomenWOW
Our friend @Global_Garbs
Women's Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations in NYC #WomenWOW
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is just that.  Celebrating, encouraging, and learning from all the many women boss ladies out there!  Women running companies and doing charitable work #LikeaBOSS!  We’re obsessed!  I mean after all our entire blog is about working with friends, other women, and boss betches!  We’re all about it!
There were so many cool parts but we loved Leslie’s
quote about finding your husband, “
work out at the gym like crazy because you need the energy and find a husband who can stay home and raise your kids!” Dr. Jen was so inspirational and in NO way
will she let anyone walk over her or talk over her…she is such a strong
woman.  Leona, Mamie, and Alysia are using their platforms to speak for women
and all entrepreneurs! Wendy Diamond is SO funny and brightened up the whole
day with her enthusiasm. 

We learned so much by attending and left feeling so inspired.  However I’d have to say the highlight was meeting Leona Lewis!

leona lewis Women's Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations in NYC #WomenWOW
At the panel where Dana Donofree, Emily Nunez Cavness,
Anna Stork, and Christine Souffrant were speaking 
they all had great advice! Vendeddy is a global payment app. Anna Stork, the co-founder of LuminAID, which was also featured on Shark Tank, illuminates using energy from the sun and also inflates!  They said that 
small businesses inspire the world! Keep an open mind…do not go with the
Build relationships early on (from
prototype) and the relationships will continue to strengthen. 
Get out there with your mission and
drive your entrepreneurship.  Use 
grant competitions for your finances. Step outside the normal road map. Stay light on your feet and in your
path, stay open minded.


Women's Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations in NYC #WomenWOW


Reiner, who just filmed a movie about the Women of Wall Street said, “
It takes a village so start building
your tribe!”  And regarding 
entrepreneurship, starting a business, a brand, a company…. I couldn’t agree more!
Women's Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations in NYC #WomenWOW
In the panel with Andrea Jung, Susan Stautberg,
Cynthia Cohen, and Vanessa Washington, they explained how l
ife is one big interview.  Making your brand: women.
Sophia Swire, Martha Macmillian,
Khaliya, and Andrea Kerzner discussed p
aying it forward and seeing your impact.  They said to be available because wherever you go you are an undivided
guest.  I thought those were all great points!
Panelists Rodrigo Arenas, Atti Riazi, and Laura
Flores said to a
spire and aspire higher! They said 1/3 of the food is thrown away and yet 800 million go hungry.  We need to help with financial independence, sustainability to end poverty, end war, have better water, security, create jobs and partnerships… all goals that women have!  These are critical and start with partnership!
I hope these notes empower you like they did for us!  Bottom line, we need to stick together and send the elevator back down!  There is room for everyone at the top!