12 days of gifts for you

The holidays are coming and first things first, I’m giving away some pretty awesome gifts to EVERYONE!

This isn’t a one-winner prize, but each woman is donating a course/printable/lesson/and in my case, a free ebook on how to earn extra income as a blogger to all of the people in our communities!! OVER $1500 value!

It will be linked below, but I just wanted to make sure you don’t miss out on it.  I hope you love everything. Take a look at everything you’re going to get below, completely free. No catch. You don’t have to enter to win. No need to follow anyone. You get everything!

Just my way to say thank you for being here, for supporting my blog, and for being apart of my community. You’re the best. Happy Holidays!

Click here to download your 12 gifts

What You Get

Click here to download your 12 gifts

Who We Are

Big thanks to these women for sharing their gifts!
Day 1: @leahremillet 
Day 2: @unstuckologist (Jamie Gordon)
Day 3: @threeologie (Natalie Brown)
Day 4: @happyconfetti (Mitzi Torgersen)
Day 5: @emilyengemann
Day 6: @seekwisdompcw (Patrice Washington)
Day 7: @camillewalker.co 
Day 8: @verbalgoldblog (Ady)
Day 9: @hereweeread  (Charnaie Gordon)
Day 10: @chelseachristensen 
Day 11: @kellifrance
Day 12: @letteredcottage (Layla Palmer)

Click here to download your 12 gifts

The Feeling of Christmas

Next, I just wanted to remind you that the thing we are REALLY wanting and chasing after is a feeling. We think it’s presents, parties, craziness…. but, I promise you it’s a feeling.


Magical is a feeling, connected is a feeling, and joy is a feeling! You can use the parties, presents, hustle, and bustle to create those feelings… but, sometimes all the stuff robs us of why we were wanting to do it in the first place. A feeling.

What is it for you? Tell your friends and family what it is and make decisions on what you want to do, buy, or be a part of from the feelings you’re committed to creating. I hope this helps.

You are beautiful, your life is beautiful, and you have everything you need to create the feelings you’re desiring right now. 

Words from my beautiful friend Leah who also organized all of this!