10 photos that prove I wasn’t always a fashion blogger
While Ady and I were in LA for BlogHer 16, we started chatting about how we used to dress in college. And given I’m a fashion blogger now, how differently I dress today. So naturally I had to pull up my good old Facebook albums and give her a glimpse into my past. Which turned into a giant laughing-until-you-pee-your-pants kind of chat because 1) you’ll understand when you see this pictures and 2) we were drinking champs.
So without further adieu, let’s take a little trip down memory lane, circa 2005-2009, aka my prime people…
1. Flared Jeans and Halter Tops
This outfit isn’t that bad from what I can see. I wish I had more pictures from that night to see what type of shoes I was wearing with this. Because I’m pretty sure those are flared jeans or straight leg. Lord help me.
But let it be known, I was rocking that ribbon around my neck…
2. Babydoll Dresses
What in the Fs of F is this dress? I was totally into babydoll dresses I guess but this looks like it would fit my daughter’s Barbie doll. And those shoes?! I can’t even. And look realllllllly closely and I think I’m wearing an ankle bracelet #winning.
3. Tube Tops
I can’t even really be sure what’s going on in this picture. I think that’s a white tank top under a black tube top but it may be a sports bra. Who really knows.
4. Elastic Swim Cover Ups
Elastic swimsuit cover-up, check. If you didn’t have one of these, did you even live through 2008? And please notice that form on the Soulja Boy…. YOUUUUUUUU!!
5. Tennis Outfits?
You guys, this is a dress for TENNIS. Or at least it looks like one. Or maybe it’s pajamas. Again, I don’t know. I remember getting it at Target but why I thought this would be a good pick for my trip to California, I’m not quite sure.
6. The Night Before
And this one takes the cake. I stayed out partying a little too hard the night before my last day of classes and I needed to get there and fast. So I went to class (no joke) in the dress I wore out the night before, with my rain boots, and no bra. Hence the last minute edition of the NorthFace in the middle of May aka I was sweating my ass off. Don’t be jealous ladies, I rocked the shit out of this.
7. Gaucho Pants
This might be the most embarrassing one of all because even though you can’t see it, I’m wearing gaucho pants. Or maybe they’re those trendy culotte pants that I can’t quite get down with. Either way, They are ugly. Like what material is that?!
8. Jean Skirts
Two words; jean skirts. Don’t hate us cuz ya ain’t us.
9. New Balance Shoes With Everything
And last but not least, the picture that inspired this entire post. To defend myself, we were doing a lot of walking around Disneyland that day. But that tank with that skirt? I’m not sure which is worse..
And if you want to see that all things are possible and people can change, you can find me here. Not looking like a total Fashion Police target.