scuba diving tips

5 Tips To Help You Choose a Scuba Diving Instructor for Your Next Diving Trip

scuba 101

Scuba diving is among one of the most popular and exciting water sports out there. Divers are given an opportunity to explore underwater sea life, sunken treasures and mysteries, coral reefs, and so much more. If you have plans to enjoy a diving trip but you want to hire a scuba diving instructor to ensure you are following all the proper precautions, then there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

Here’s a look at the top tips that will help you find that perfect diving instructor

Ask Friends and Family for Recommendations

Instead of taking a risk on someone you don’t know, you may want to check with family and friends who have travelled to your vacation destination and hired a scuba instructor. A recommendation from someone you know and trust will cut down on all the research you will otherwise have to do.

Of course, it’s still a good idea to check out the instructor before you book with them. If they have a website, then you can read about the courses they offer, how much experience they have, and what sort of credentials they possess.

Ask What Courses the Instructor Offers

It’s also important to ask what kind of courses the scuba diving instructor offers. There is no point in hiring an instructor that doesn’t offer the kind of training you want and need. PADI courses being the most popular among beginners, is usually a good place to start. By taking this, course you will get your scuba diving certification, as it is the most recognized scuba course out there.

Ask About Pricing

While it would be great if there was just a standard rate for scuba diving classes the fact is that it varies depending on where you take the course. It’s wise to ask about cost before you decide to go ahead. This protects you from any surprises at the end of the course.

Ask If the Instructor Will Be Present At All Times

Part of the job of the instructor is to be on-hand at all times not just to offer tips and instruction, but also to ensure your safety is always a priority. Any professional instructor will remain with students and intervene when it’s necessary. It’s a good idea to ask the instructor in advance how they go about teaching their class and if they will be on-hand.

Get Some Personal Information

It doesn’t hurt to ask the potential instructor how often they dive for fun, when the last time they went diving was, how many places they have been, and how long they’ve been diving. This will give you a firmer grasp on the instructor’s experience level.

Each of these tips will help ensure you get the best scuba diving instruction possible.