Good Old Banana Bread Recipe


Good Old Banana Bread Recipe



1 ½ cup wholemeal self raising flour





1 cup coconut sugar





2 teaspoons baking powder





2 teaspoons cinnamon





4 mashed bananas (1 ¼ cup roughly)





1 egg





½ cup natural yoghurt





1 ½ teaspoons vanilla essence





¼ cup oil (I use sunflower oil, but whatever you have at home works!)





1/3 cup maple syrup





1 banana halved, on top





Preheat oven to 160°C. Place the flour, baking powder, sugar and cinnamon in a large bowl and mix to combine.





Add the banana, egg, yoghurt, oil, maple syrup and vanilla and mix to combine.





Pour into a greased and lined loaf tin lined top with the banana halves.





Cook for approximately 1 hour until cooked when tested with a skewer.





Optionally, to glaze the loaf, warm extra maple syrup and lightly cover the top using a pastry brush. I also love to eat this with lemon cream cheese frosting!

Make sure to check out the coconut nectarine tart recipe pictured here and more of our dessert recipes here!  They are domestic gold!
xoxo Taylor



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