DIY: Felted Sweater Bangles
I found this great DIY for some winter Felted Sweater Bangles from Mrs. Polly Rogers!

You can make Felted Sweater Bangles in an evening as a gift for you or anyone else on your list! They are easy and really cute. And the added bonus is that they keep your wrists warm while being an adorable accessory.
Buy some bangles at thrift stores, or tag sales (or maybe you even have some in your jewelry box that are ready for a facelift). Do make sure they are on the large side for your wrist because once we cover them with fluffy sweater material, they get smaller on the inside.
You’ll also need some wool sweaters that you can felt.
I used the felted ribbing part of the sweater on the white bangle.
This bangle is made a little differently than the other two because the bangle was a little smaller on my wrist, I didn’t want to add bulk. I actually think this one takes a little longer, so if you’re in a hurry to make a lot of these bangles and yours are bigger, skip down to the instructions on the two gray ones.
I cut the ribbing width (and left the length a little long —you can always cut it shorter, but you can’t make it longer!) and then glued one side to the center of the bangle with hot glue. Like this.
This is what it looks like from the “right” side once one side is glued in. Before you cut the length, make sure you can overlap it and turn it under to make a pretty seam.
Next wrap the other side around the bangle (try not to stretch it too much), and glue it down the center of the bangle like this.
You’ll need to sew the opening closed (it’s really much better to take a few minutes to do this rather than gluing– which could make your beautiful bangle a glue-y mess!)
Because the inside it not very pretty, choose a ribbon to sew down the center of the seam inside to cover it. Like this.
The bangles I bought for the gray ones were bigger on my wrist so I could make them a little faster because I overlapped the seam on the inside. Experiment and use sweaters with knit-in designs! See the seam on the top bangle?
The way to accomplish this is to glue the first length-wise side down like in the white bangle above. Then pull the other side around, overlap, and turn the raw edge under. Pin. Sew by hand.
Consider adding beads to your Felted Sweater Bangles. My gray print sweater already had a few on—I got lucky on that one!
So make a few gifts tonight, your friends will love these!
If I can do that! You can, too!