wedding ring

3 tips to help you pick out the perfect wedding ring for HIM

d geller and son

The focus always seems to be on the bride and the wedding after a couple gets engaged and it’s nice to take a step back sometimes and  remember that the day is about so much more!  The day is about love.  The day is about the relationship and the journey y’all have shared.  It’s about happiness and it’s oh so special.  So in the rush of wedding planning with the florist,  the venue, the event planner, the photographer, picking out the engagement ring, the DJ, the dress, the invitations etc etc don’t forget about the groom! Don’t forget to pick out his ring!  After all, the day is about him too!

I’ve seen so many articles about etiquette around picking out her engagement ring but his ring is just as important and just as special! It represents so much!  So here are my tips when it comes to picking out your fiancé’s wedding ring!

3 tips to help you pick out the perfect wedding ring for HIM!

1. Ask him!

Communication is key and I think the happiest couples are the ones that keep it 100 and always communicate no matter what.  So just ask him.  Ask him if he has a preference.  Ask him if he wants to be involved in picking it out.  Ask him if he wants to be kept in the loop!  He’ll thank you for it.  After all it is forever!

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2. Make sure the ring matches your man.

If he works out a lot, get him a rubber ring as well as his everyday ring so he’s not ever ringless.  Tungsten seems to be the new thing that everybody is doing and is not advised if your fiancé works with his hands or around heavy machinery.  If your fiancé is a bit of a rebel who would turn his ring into a beer opener a softer metal isn’t for him.

Does he like simplicity or intricate designs? Does he like gold or platinum?  Maybe he wants a little bling bling?  I went to D.Geller & Son and they had a huge selection to choose from!  Not only that but the staff was very helpful because I had no clue what to ask or look for when I went the first time.

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3. Bring him!

If the stress of choosing a ring is too much for you just bring him!  Take him out to dinner and make it an entire date!  Make it all about him. Guys love that stuff.  When we got to D.Geller & Son I had already selected 5 rings I thought would be a good fit for my fiancé.  So all I had to do was bring him in for the final decision and let him check my work. (lol- for the record he liked my selections!)  I wanted him to get something he really loved and I love doing things together with him!

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wedding ring


I’m so excited with what he picked! I’m glad he’s happy and loves his ring!  D.Geller & Son was definitely the right choice! Check them out online here!

wedding ring

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d geller and son

All photos by Jennifer Oetting Photography!


*This post was sponsored by D.Geller & Son but all opinions are my own.