Travel 101: Top 10 Carry-On Must Haves

I’ve been traveling a lot lately… I was just in New Orleans, Florida, and New York so I feel like I’m a pro at traveling.  I’m actually on my way to NYC again right now.  So, I’ve put together a little list of “must haves” for your carry-on!  If you’re that person that always forgets something… this is for you!

Travel 101: Carry On

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My Top 10 list of carry-on must haves!
1. The perfect carry-on luggage:  I like something hard so I can sit my carry on bag on top.  It must have 4 wheels because my arms are already getting their workout in spin class.  I swoon for DVF black and brown trunk luggage.  Leave me a comment below and I’ll tell you how to get it on the low low!  I saved over $100 on mine!  If DVF is not for you I recommend something light weight for those overhead lifts, hard (canvas/fabrics scuff too easy and go from looking new to used in less than 60 seconds), 4 wheels, and one with an expandable zipper (life saver… trust me).  22″ is the max so make sure you’re in line with carry on measurements.
2. Carry-on bag:  Preferably one that zips.  You don’t want your belongings falling out at the security checkpoint or under your seat on the airplane.  That’s the worst.  My two favorites are from H&M and Sole Society.  The camel colored bag from Sole Society also comes in burgundy (I have them both).  I couldn’t resist.  There is even a bottom zipper for extra shoes or cords.  I like ones with a flat bottom because they sit easily on top of your carry on luggage.  If you’re gate is all the way at the end or you have to walk over a mile to get to your uber you’re going to thank me because you don’t want to be lugging a heavy ass carry on creasing your shoulder.  Sideways out of breath walking is not cute.  
3.  iPhone/Computer/ Tablet + all chargers and headphones:  Always always put your chargers in your carry on bag.  You should even go so far as to bring a back up charger with you.  If you’re going out of the country make sure you have adapters with you.  Keep your chargers organized in a bag.  Trust me on this one.  Pulling out your headphones and the ear piece getting stuck and breaking on your lap top and having to listen to music with one earphone is not fun.  Wrap them and stash them nice and neat-like in a cute little pouch.
4.  Meds / Contacts: Think worst case scenario here.  If you can’t live without it bring it.  Your medicine, contacts, contact solution should always make the trip.  Ever wake up with dry eyes after falling asleep on the plane?  Backup glasses or eye drops are perfect to have on hand!  Pack them in your carry on! Keep them separate in the super cute pouches and pill case above.
5.  Comfort:  Time to get comfortable.  Sleep mask, slipper socks (because you swell in the air I like to change into comfy sockies and spare my feet the red lines shoes make when they are too tight), inflatable travel pillow (key word inflatable = space saver), mini’s (you know… alcohol), evian water mister (this keeps your face from drying out high up in the air – spray it every hour), hand sanitizer and clean wipes (because…ick).  

And good news!  We get to giveaway Evian Facial Spray so make sure to enter here or below!


My favorite cheeky sleep mask comes from Flight 001
I always dress in layers so I’ll have a cardigan, sweatshirt, jacket, or scarf with me which is usually what I use as a pillow and/or blanket.  I got some advice from a friend of mine who is a flight attendant and she told me to avoid using the complimentary blankets so I tend to steer clear from those.  Night flights and window seats are freezing and day time flights tend to be a bit warmer so dressing in layers helps!

6.  Entertainment: Bring magazines and/or a book for the trip.  You’ll save money bringing your own.  I know it’s 2015 and most planes have wifi or tv screens in the headrest now but I kid you not I was on a plane today heading to NYC that didn’t have wifi (gasps) and no chargers in between the seats so I had to go old school and read from an actual book.  The best book ever… in the history of everdom is above.  It’s called “Nice is just a place in France” and it’s hilarious!  If you haven’t read it I suggest buying it… like now.  

Or try to get my friend Lindsay to mail you hers.  I started a #payitforward book club.  When you’re done reading a book just send it to someone who wants to read it then add your @name to the inside cover page to keep track of the Goldie Foxes who’ve participated.  How fun right?

7.  Empty Water Bottle:  If you’re trying to save money bring an empty water bottle.  You can’t bring drinks through security but you can bring an empty bottle and then just fill it up with water when you get to your gate.  Voila!

8.  Makeup:  If you did check a bag I recommend bringing all your makeup with you and even an extra outfit in your carry on.  The airlines have lost my bag before and they couldn’t deliver it until the next day… so having an extra outfit and your makeup will really save you in a jam.  Of course the airlines will pay for new things you have to replace but this will just save you time.  It could have ruined my trip since it was only a weekend getaway.  Not having your bags for a day is the worst!


9.  Business Cards and Cash:  Always keep some business cards on hand.  You never know who you’re going to meet or sit next to on the airplane.  I know cash is old school but it’s nice to have some small bills on hand when traveling for tips.


10.  Snacks/Gum:  Chewing gum when the plane takes off and lands will keep your ears from popping all the time when the pressure changes.  Life changing I know.  Another bit of advice, bring your own snacks.  Airport food is either expensive or icky and bad for you.  I’d also stay away from the airplane food unless you have time for an upset stomach.  Bring healthy snacks as an alternative.  I love almonds and gummy bears!


So now that I covered my Top 10 I’d love to know if there is anything you always bring in your carry-on that I don’t have in mine?  Feel free to share your travel tips and tricks below!  And if you’re in NYC I’d love to say hi!

xoxo Ady








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